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Class Teacher Posts

Class Teachers for Year 6 Classes:

Miss B Knight

Miss C Dowding


Teaching Assistant for Sycamore Class:

Mrs S Walker


Student Teacher for Sycamore Class:

Miss J Foster

This Week’s Learning – wb 11.07.22


We had our Year 6 production this week. The children did AMAZINGLY, and we are so proud of them! More fun things planned for next week!

We have also been starting to complete some more transition activities for high schools.


In maths, we have been keeping up with our arithmetic tests.   


In music, we continued and finalised our new projects on Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  In French this week, Year 6 worked with their partner to rewrite and illustrate their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They have a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them. It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 18.07.22


Next week, we will be playing lots of games and completing fun activities to make sure our last week at Rushy Meadow is a memorable one! Stay tuned for pictures on the blog!


In music, we will showcase our Soundtrap projects and find out the winner!


Bonjour!  We will be visiting Year 2 and sharing our stories we have been writing based on “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).



Class Teacher Awards – 15.07.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Whole of Willow Class!

Sycamore: Whole of Sycamore Class!


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 15.07.22


Thank you to all of those who came to support and watch the Year 6 performance (and to those who couldn’t make it but helped with costume prep!) – it went swimmingly, and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


A reminder that next Thursday 21st July is our Year 6 sleepover. Here are a few reminders:


  • Children will go home as normal and then return to school at 7pm.
  • They can come back to school in their own clothes but these need to be appropriate please – they may wish to wear the leavers hoodies which they will be given next week
  • They will need to bring with them their sleepover things, including a sleeping bag/duvet and pillow, along with a spare change of uniform for Friday.
  • They may also wish to bring a SPARE shirt for signing on the Friday
  • If your child is packed lunch, they may also need to bring their packed lunch for Friday (this can be kept in the fridge overnight)



Have a read of the information in the link below about a free summer reading challenge - a chance to win tickets for family days out or an amazon voucher!

If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:











This Week’s Learning – wb 04.07.22


In science, we learnt about the impact that diet and exercise have on our bodies. We discussed what a healthy diet is and the benefits of exercise in keeping our bodies healthy. We also learnt about the impact of drugs and alcohol, in particular, which organs these things affect the most.


In maths, we have been keeping up with our arithmetic tests.   


In music, we continued our new projects on Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  In French this week, Year 6 worked with their partner to rewrite and illustrate their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They have a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 11.07.22


It’s performance week! We will be holding dress rehearsals to the rest of the school on Monday and Tuesday before performing to parents on Wednesday and Thursday.


When our performances are over, we have some fun activities planned, such as the pirate game, creating PowerPoints about our new schools and filming ‘Surviving Year 6’ documentaries for the new Year 5 children.


In maths, we will be doing some arithmetic so we don’t forget it! We are also going to be doing some more maths games and challenges.


In music, we will continue with our Soundtrap projects.


Bonjour!  We will continue to work on their stories for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency: 



Class Teacher Awards – 08.07.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Rayyaan and Biram

Sycamore: Summer and Ruby T


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 04.07.22


All costumes should now be in school for our performance. If there are any still to be brought in, please ensure this is done on Monday ready for our dress rehearsal that morning.


Tuesday 12th July is celebration evening for parents after school. This is a chance to visit their current classroom and see all the hard work they have been doing. You are also able to visit your child’s new classroom to see where they will be from September – although this won’t apply for Year 6!  


Performances for our production will be on Wednesday 13th July at 5.30pm and Thursday 14th July at 9am. Please remember your tickets!



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:











This Week’s Learning – wb 27.06.22


In science, we looked at our bread experiment which we set up a few weeks ago, which aimed at investigating conditions for micro-organism growth. We looked at our results made conclusions, based on what we knew about classifying micro-organisms and how they grow.


In maths, we have been keeping up with our arithmetic tests.   


In music, we continued our new projects on Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  In French this week, Year 6 worked with their partner to rewrite and illustrate their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They have a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 04.07.22


Our main focus next week is perfecting our performance!


Next week, we will be using clay to make model hearts in art. We will then paint these models using different equipment to make patterns for vessels. In science, we will be learning about the impact that food, exercise, drugs and alcohol have on our bodies.


In maths, we will be doing some arithmetic so we don’t forget it! We are also going to be doing some more maths games and challenges.


In music, we will continue with our Soundtrap projects.


Bonjour!  We will continue to work on their stories for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency: 



Parent/Carer Information - 04.07.22


Bikeability: bike ability continues on Monday for those who have signed up. Remember your bike and helmet!


Wednesday 6th July is high school transition day for many children – enjoy!


Our production is really coming along! Performances will be on Wednesday 13th July at 5.30pm and Thursday 14th July at 9amYou should all have received letters about costumes - can we please ask these are in school ready for Friday 8th July ready for our dress rehearsal. If you would like to bring it in before, we are happy to keep it safe at school.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:











This Week’s Learning – wb 20.06.22


In science, we have learnt about the circulatory system and the job of the heart, blood vessels and blood. You can see some wonderful posters about this in the gallery section. We also learnt about how water and nutrients are transported around the body through the small intestine and blood. At the end of the week, children learnt about how micro-organisms are classified into groups: bacteria, virus and fungi.


In maths, we have been keeping up with our arithmetic tests.   


In music, we continued our new projects on Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  In French this week, Year 6 worked with their partner to rewrite and illustrate their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They have a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 27.06.22


In science next week, we will be discussing our findings to our experiment, using our knowledge of micro-organisms from this week to help. We will also be using clay to make model hearts in art.


In maths, we will be doing some arithmetic so we don’t forget it! We are also going to be doing some more maths games and challenges.


In music, we will continue with our Soundtrap projects.


Bonjour!  We will continue to work on their stories for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency: 



Class Teacher Awards – 24.06.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Alan and Britney

Sycamore: Saathana and Betsy


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 24.06.22


A lot of important dates next week!

  • Monday: Circus Workshop – children will need to wear their PE kits
  • Tuesday: Swimming – children will need to wear their swim suits under their PE kits
  • Friday: Sports Day – children will need to come to school in their PE kits. You are able to come and watch this year and are welcome from 10.45 – 12.15 on the KS2 playground and field. Please see the letter that went out for more information.
  • Bikeability: bike ability starts on Monday for those who have signed up. Remember your bike and helmet!



Exciting news that our Year 6 production is now well and truly underway! Letters will be coming home soon with information about the performance itself, along with information about costumes/props your child may need.



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














Dear parent/carer, 


As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, we are taking part in a friendly competition involving schools in London. The competition runs from 07:30am Monday 27th June 2022 to 19:30pm Wednesday 29th June 2022. It's all done online via 


Children can play in any gamemode with every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, earning themselves, their class and the school a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours). Winning classes in the school and in the competition as a whole will be the ones with the highest average. There will be prizes and certificates available. 


To support player wellbeing, there is a daily time limit of 60-minutes per player. In other words, each player can earn competition points for up to 60-minutes between 07:30am and 19:30pm on Monday 27th June 2022 to 19:30 Wednesday 29th June 2022. Once the player goes beyond 60-minutes of play on that day, they will still earn coins but will no longer earn points towards the competition. 


Let’s get ready to Rock! 











This Week’s Learning – wb 06.06.22


In English this week, we have had a book focus: Granny by Anthony Horowitz. We got immersed into the book at the start of the week, having whole class reading sessions and doing some role play. We then focussed on the character of Granny and what a truly revolting character she is! We collected vocabulary to describe her personality, appearance and hobbies and then used this to write character descriptions. You can see some of these in the gallery section.


In maths, we completed some fun challenges to get our brains working! We have also been keeping up with our arithmetic tests.   


In music, we started our new projects on Soundtrap.



Next Week's Learning – wb 13.06.22


We will be starting our new topic next week, ‘Body Works’. This is a heavily science focussed topic which we are so excited about! We will start by discussing what we already know about the body and will then be learning about some of the main organs and the circulatory system.


In maths, we will be doing some arithmetic so we don’t forget it! We are also going to be doing some more maths games and challenges.


In music, we will continue with our Soundtrap projects.


Bonjour!  This week in French, Year 6 chose a partner to work with to rewrite and illustrate their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They have a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency: 



Class Teacher Awards – 10.06.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Anish and Aratrika

Sycamore: Yousuf and Alisha


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 10.06.22


In PSHE this term, we will be covering a topic called ‘Changing Me’. This is a chance for us to discuss how bodies change through puberty and changes in emotions children may have. It is also known as our ‘sex education’ sessions. You may wish to speak to your children about this. If you wish to find out more, please get in touch with us using the emails below and we would be happy to give you a breakdown of what we will be discussing with the children during these PSHE sessions.


We are also having some ‘Worry Ninja Workshops’ to give children the opportunity to share their worries and help with their transition to high school.


Exciting news that our Year 6 production is now well and truly underway! Letters will be coming home soon with information about the performance itself, along with information about costumes/props your child may need.


Please remember that ALL year 6 children will be swimming this Tuesday 14th June. Please see the letter that was sent out for more information. 


We will be having a Mufti Day on Friday 24th June - the theme is Rushy Meadow colours so get your purple, green and white ready! Please send your child to school with £1 on this day.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 23.05.22


On Thursday, we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee! We decorated the classroom, dressed up in red, white and blue and took part in a carousel of activities: biscuit decorating, portraits, creating our own stamp designs and collages. You can see pictures of this in the gallery section.


In English this week, we looked at the features of poems, focusing on literary language such as similes, metaphors and personification. We then planned and wrote our own poems based on WWII – lots of us managed to get them to rhyme too! It was exciting as we could type these, meaning we were also vey creative with our presentation – you can see these on Teams in assignments. In history, we learnt about how WWII ended and how and why VE day is celebrated.  


In maths, we completed some fun challenges to get our brains working!  


In music, we continued to create our own raps using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  In French this week we completed some fun activities to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  


First Week Back’s Learning – wb 06.06.22


In English, we will be reading a new book called ‘Granny’ by Anthony Horowitz. Initially, we are going to be really getting into the book by reading it as a class and doing some role play. Children will then get the chance to write a character description for Granny after collecting lots of vocabulary to describe her personality, appearance, feelings and hobbies.


In maths, we will be doing some arithmetic so we don’t forget it! We are also going to be doing some more maths games and challenges.


In music, we will start our next music project using Soundtrap!


In French we will be rewriting and illustrating our own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  Children will have a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.


Parent/Carer Information - 26.05.22


Half term has arrived! We hope you enjoy your week off and look forward to seeing children back in school on Tuesday 7th June.


In PSHE next term, we will be covering a topic called ‘Changing Me’. This is a chance for us to discuss how bodies change through puberty and changes in emotions children may have. It is also known as our ‘sex education’ sessions. You may wish to speak to your children about this before they return to school. If you wish to find out more about this, please get in touch with us using the emails below and we would be happy to give you a breakdown of what we will be discussing with the children during these PSHE sessions.


We are also starting to think about children's transition to high school. With this in mind, for the first three Friday's back after half term, we have arranged for a 'Worry Ninja's Workshop' which will discuss some of their most common fears and how we can deal with them.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 16.05.22


In history this week, we learnt about rationing in WWII and how it impacted upon people’s lives and compared a rationed WWII meal to the meals we have now. In English, we wrote newspaper reports and were able to choose a topic throughout WWII to write about. Perhaps the most exciting part, in D&T we made a rationed meal! We conducted some research to see what rationed meals were like before designing a pear crumble. We then made this and got to enjoy it with some custard! You can see pictures of this in the gallery section.


We completed some fun maths games and challenges to get our brains working!


In music, we continued to create our own raps using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  This week we began to describe a monster’s appearance orally using numbers and colours.  You can practice colours by going to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 5/6, languages, French and then scrolling down to the labelling colours worksheet.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 23.05.22


In history, we will be learning about how WWII ended before discussing everything we have learnt during this topic. In English, we will be learning about the features of poems before writing our own war poetry.


In music, we will continue to make our own raps using Soundtrap.


In French next week, we will be completing some activities to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!



Class Teacher Awards – 20.05.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: All of Willow Class!

Sycamore: Karl and Ethan


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 20.05.22


One more week until half term! Please remember that children break up on Thursday 26th May at normal time.


On Thursday 26th May, the whole school will be marking the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a day full of activities. This includes being allowed to come dressed in mufti on this day – as long as it is red, white or blue! We will also be burying a Rushy Meadow time capsule. Stay tuned for pictures!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 09.05.22


We are SO incredibly proud of all the children for their outstanding hard work during SATs this week! They have done themselves and Rushy Meadow proud!


In art this week, we look at Henry Moore, who was an artist during WWII and who was inspired by the Blitz. With this in mind, we then created our own artwork of the Blitz, which you can see in the gallery section.


In music, we continued to create our own raps using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  This week, Year 6 listened again to “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  The children  are beginning to join in with retelling the story.  We had a lot of fun drawing around each other and labelling body parts. You can practice body parts by going to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 5/6, languages, French and then scrolling down to the labelling body parts worksheet.  Or you could listen to this song:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 16.05.22


In history, we are learning about the effects of rationing in WWII. We will also be writing newspaper reports in English. In D&T, we are going to be designing and making our own rationed meal!


In maths, we are going to be doing some fun challenges!


In music, we will continue to make our own raps using Soundtrap.


In French next week, we will be revising colours and numbers to help us write our own versions of the story.



Class Teacher Awards – 06.05.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


All the children for their hard work in SATs!


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 13.05.22


We want to say a HUGE well done again to the children for their hard work with SATs this week and thank you for your support at home with this. Please enjoy a RELAXING and FUN weekend!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 02.05.22


In English this week, we have been writing our WWII stories, focussing on our description and dialogue.


In maths, we continued with statistics, reading line graphs and interpreting the data. After, we learnt about the properties of a circle, including how to find the radius and diameter. We finished the week learning how to find the mean (average) and interpreting pie charts.  


In music, we continued to create our own raps using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  This week we have started a new topic.  We will be reading the story “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  It’s a storybook for very young children.  The year 6 children will be learning all the vocabulary they need to write their own version of the story.  After half term I am hoping that the Year 6 children will be able to visit Year 2 and read them their stories to show off all their French knowledge to the Year 2’s who will be beginning to learn French next year.  In this week’s lesson we were introduced to the story and then learned how to say different body parts in French.  Your child can listen to the story again at:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 09.05.22


Next week is SATs week – please see more information below about this.


We will be learning about the Phoney War in history and then studying Henry Moore’s work in art. Children will then create their own piece of artwork inspired by the Blitz using paints.


In music, we will continue to make our own raps using Soundtrap.


In French next week, we will continue to practice body parts.



Class Teacher Awards – 06.05.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Tommy and Iryna

Sycamore: All of Sycamore Class


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 06.05.22


SATs week has arrived! Please ensure your child is in school every day next week – we then have our fun day out on Friday to celebrate! A reminder that breakfast club starts at 7.45am. We want to say once again that we do not want this to be a stressful week for children so we will be keeping the week as calm and fun as possible! Get them to relax this weekend doing something they enjoy!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














Bike Ability


Please see the document below regarding bike ability for Year 6.












This Week’s Learning – wb 25.04.22


In English this week, we planned a WWII story of our choice – it just had to have a WWII theme! We then used the descriptosaurus language sheets to collect vocabulary for our settings and characters. You can see pictures of this work in the gallery section.


In maths, we wrapped up our algebra topic and moved on to ratio, where we used ratios to find the relationship between two amounts. Children also learnt how to enlarge shapes using a scale factor and used ration to solve problems in real life contexts.  


In music, we continued to create our own raps using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  This week we finished our Michelin guide to our favourite ice cream flavours from last half term.  You could watch this video to add more adjectives to describe different types of flavours: French Flavor Vocabulary (


Next Week’s Learning – wb 02.05.22


We will be writing our stories based on WWII using our plans and language we collected for characters and settings.


In maths, we will be looking at statistics, including graphs, pie charts and calculating the mean/average. We will also be learning about the diameter, radius and circumference of circles.


In music, we will continue to make our own raps using Soundtrap.



Class Teacher Awards – 29.04.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Tanu and Cathleen

Sycamore: Ivan and Nj


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 29.04.22


We are on the home stretch to SATs now! A reminder to please make your children are in school every day unless your child is unwell.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 18.04.22


This half term, we are continuing with our WWII topic. In history, we learnt about the Blitz, including how it affected people’s lives, including the blackouts and types of shelters they used. In geography, we used aerial maps to plot where bombs dropped in Carshalton during the Blitz. In English, we worked in groups to gather ideas for a story about WWII which we will work on over the next couple of weeks.


In maths, we started our algebra topic and the children love it! We started with generating and describing number sequences before finding the value of letters in an expression and identifying rules and formulas to follow. Children were then able to solve a range of algebraic expressions.


In music, we have started to create our own raps using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  This week we continued to create a Michelin guide to our favourite ice cream flavours from last half term.  You could watch this video to add more adjectives to describe different types of flavours: French Flavor Vocabulary (


Next Week’s Learning – wb 25.04.22


We will be planning our stories based on WWII and collect some language to use in them. We will also start to write them, but this will continue into the week after next.


In maths, we will be learning about ratio and scale factors.


In music, we will continue to make our own raps using Soundtrap.



Class Teacher Awards – 22.04.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Raymond and Daniel

Sycamore: Lathik and Ayyan


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 22.04.22


We are on the home stretch to SATs now! A reminder to please make your children are in school every day unless your child is unwell.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 28.03.22


This week English, we wrote our formal letters to the government. We also learnt about how and why propaganda was used during WWII.


In maths, we reflected shapes in an axis and translated them using our knowledge of coordinates.


In music, we continued to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.



First Week Back’s Learning – wb 18.04.22


We will be continuing with our WWII topic next term and will begin by learning about the Blitz and how it affected people. We will also be gathering some vocabulary for a story in English.


In maths, we will moving onto algebra. We will solve algebraic expressions and finding missing numbers in a problem.


In music, we will continue to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Bonjour! If you have time over the Easter holidays, you could go to and practice some of the topics in French that we have been learning this year.  Joyeuses Pâques!


Class Teacher Awards – 01.04.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Aleksandra and Harini

Sycamore: Betsy and Jack N


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 01.04.22


We are so pleased and proud of how well the children have worked this term – they deserve a good break!


Happy Easter!


We look forward to seeing the children back on Tuesday 19th April.



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 21.03.22


This week English, we wrote our persuasive speeches to encourage the government to put at end to WWII. We were blown away by some of the language children used and felt very persuaded! Children then worked in partners to edit their work before performing their speeches to the class. We also looked at the features of formal letters and planned one ready for next week.


In maths, found missing angles in quadrilaterals and a range of other polygons. We learnt that there are 360o around a point and 180o on a line. Children had fun creating nets for a range of 3D shapes using their 2D properties and got a taste of coordinates on Friday, which we will continue with next week.


In music, we continued to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  This week we have begun to create a Michelin guide to our favourite ice cream flavours giving reasons for our choices.  You could watch this video to add more adjectives to describe different types of flavours: French Flavor Vocabulary (


Next Week’s Learning – wb 28.03.22


We will be having some final assessments next week before SATs, but these are nothing to worry about and we will be completing them like we have the others so it will be no different for the children to keep them as relaxed as possible!


Next week in English, we will be writing and editing our formal letters. In history, we are going to be learning about propaganda that was used during WWII, before creating our own propaganda posters in art using paints.


In maths next week, we will be continuing to learn about coordinates, including reflecting shapes in different quadrants.


In music, we will continue to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Next week in French, we will be finishing our booklets about ice-cream flavours and doing some Easter activities before the end of term.



Class Teacher Awards – 25.03.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Lenny and Kaveesha

Sycamore: Charlie and Maisie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 25.03.22


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 14.03.22


This week in history, we learnt about evacuation: what it was, why it was so important and what children had to take with them. We then had an ‘Evacuee Day’ where we dressed up as evacuees escaping WWII. There were lots of fun activities to get involved with, including making ID cards and evacuation labels, learning popular WWII songs, writing postcards home and creating our own radio broadcasts. You can see lots of pictures of us dressed up in the gallery section! In English, we identified the features of persuasive speeches and planned a persuasive speech ready to write next week.


In maths, we recapped the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, completing an investigation about the number of edges, vertices and faces when using 3D shapes. We then moved on to angles, discussing the different types of angles and using protractors to measure and draw them. You can see pictures of this work in the gallery section. Towards the end of the week, we learnt that angles in a triangle add up to 180o and found missing angles in triangles using this knowledge.


In music, we continued to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  This week we have begun to create a Michelin guide to our favourite ice cream flavours giving reasons for our choices.  You could watch this video to add more adjectives to describe different types of flavours: French Flavor Vocabulary (


Next Week’s Learning – wb 21.03.22


Next week in English, we will be writing a persuasive speech to encourage people to end WWII and will then work in groups to edit and perform them. Our next piece of writing will be a formal letter so we will also be looking at the features of formal letters and planning one.


In maths next week, we will be finding missing angles in a range of shapes, learning about the relationship between opposite angles and angles around a point and identifying 3D shapes from their drawn nets. We will also have our first lesson on coordinates.


In music, we will continue to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Next week in French, we will be finishing our booklets about ice-cream flavours.



Class Teacher Awards – 14.03.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Bhagat and Bianca

Sycamore: Beste and Saathana


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 14.03.22


You have been emailed a letter about parent consultations taking place on 31st March.  The portal to book your slot opens on the 23rd March at 4pm and will close on 29th March at 4pm. If you have any trouble booking this, please email us using the emails below or speak to the school office and we can get one booked in for you.


The Big Walk and Wheel competition!

Please click the document below to find out about the Big Walk and Wheel competition next week and to find out the winners of the poster competition in each class!

This Monday 21st March is World Poetry Day! Want to be awarded 'Best Poet' in your school?! Have a read of the competition below!

If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:











This Week’s Learning – wb 07.03.22


This week in history, we learnt about how WWII impacted upon people’s lives at how it has affected our lives today. We looked at a range of sources, including photographs and radio recordings, to do this. In English, we then wrote a diary entry pretending to be either a soldier in WWII or a child who was being evacuated.


In maths, we moved on to finding the area and perimeter of compound shapes and children completed a practical activity outside, where they got to make their own compound shape and then find the area and perimeter of it using metre sticks. You can see photos of this in the gallery section. After, we learnt how to find the volume of a cubes and cuboids.  


In music, we are making our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Bonjour! This week we did a class survey to see what the most popular ice cream flavour is.  You could do a family survey to see if the same flavours are popular. 


Next Week’s Learning – wb 14.03.22


Next week in history, we will be learning about evacuation during WWII, looking at what this was, why children were evacuated and what they had to bring with them. We will also be having an ‘evacuee day’ to immerse children into the learning! In English, we will begin to identify the features of persuasive speeches and plan a persuasive speech about ending the war.


In maths next week, we will be recapping the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and starting to measure angles using degrees.


In music, we will continue to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Next week in French, we will add reasons for our opinions and begin to create our Michelin guides to ice cream.



Class Teacher Awards – 11.03.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Lexi and Megan

Sycamore: Alex and An-Chen


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 11.03.22


Please don’t forget we have an inset day on Monday 14th March 2022.


A letter has been sent out to you via email about a ‘WWII Evacuee Day’ we will be having on Thursday 17th March. We can’t wait to see how children dress up!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 28.02.22


This week, we had World Book Day! To celebrate this, we had a ‘book week’ and chose to look at Rose Blanche as it is set during WWII which is our topic for this term. We started by doing some role play to really find out more about the characters and then children wrote an informal letter as the main character, Rose Blanche, to one of the other children in the story. These letters turned out AMAZING!!


In maths we have been learning how to find the area and perimeter of rectangles, parallelograms and triangles.  


In music, we are making our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Bonjour! This week we have been saying our opinions about ice cream flavours adding the conjunctions and, but and however.   We played some games to help us remember the phrases.  You could watch this video where Alexa explains how to use the verb aimer – to like / love: Aimer (to like/love) - Present Tense (French verbs conjugated by Learn French With Alexa).


Next Week’s Learning – wb 07.03.22


Next week in history, we will be using photographs to help us understand how the outbreak of WWII changed people’s lives and how it has impacted us today. Children will then use this knowledge to write diary entries, pretending they are children during WWII.


In maths next week, we will be finding the area and perimeter of compound shapes and finding the volume of cuboids.


In music, we will continue to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Next week in French, we will be surveying the class on their favourite flavoured ice creams.



Class Teacher Awards – 04.03.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Olivia and Keyaan

Sycamore: Liam and Andy


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 04.03.22


A letter has been sent out to you via email about a ‘WWII Evacuee Day’ we will be having on Monday 14th March. We can’t wait to see how children dress up!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 21.02.22


This week, we have started our new topic, ‘WWII’ and we are loving it! we started by thinking about what we already know and what we would like to learn and then had a ‘hook morning’ where we really got ourselves immersed into the topic by watching some videos, making some spitfire planes and doing some research. So far, we have learnt about the countries involved in the war, how and why the war started and have sequenced key events throughout the war, such as the Blitz, on a timeline.


In maths we have been continuing with measure: converting measures involving volume and length, converting imperial measures and solving problems involving a range of measures. On Friday, we converted units of time.


In music, we are making our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Bonjour!  I hope you had a lovely half term.  This term we will be learning all about Likes and dislikes and justifying our opinions.  This week we have been looking at ice cream flavours in French – delicieux! You could watch this video to practice how to say “Je voudrais une glace……”  Don’t forget to add “s’il vous plait” to say please. Ice cream- French - Bing video


Next Week’s Learning – wb 28.02.22


Next week is World Book Day, so we are taking a week off from our topic to focus on a book called ‘Rose Blanche’ by Ian McEwan in English. We have chosen this book as it links to our topic of WWII and children will be able to explore the characters through some drama and will be writing a letter as Rose Blanche to one of the other characters in the story. We will also be completing some other fun book week activities, such as designing a new book cover, writing alternative endings and creating a book review.


In maths next week, we are moving on to area and perimeter, starting with parallelograms, rectangles and triangles.


In music, we will continue to make our own melodies using Soundtrap.


Next week in French, we will be learning how to say our opinions.



Class Teacher Awards – 25.02.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Zack and Lily

Sycamore: Gracie and Ollie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 25.02.22


Just a note, next week in PSHE, we will be looking at different types of drugs and the impact of drugs on the body. if you would like to speak to your children about this beforehand, please do – or if you have any questions or concerns about this, please speak to us.



Next week is also World Book Day! On Thursday, children can come dressed up as a book character – we would also love it if they could bring in their favourite book to share with the class.



The Big walk and wheel, formally the Big Pedal is back the week of 21st of March to the 1st of April. Please do try to use a sustainable form of transport to come to school during this week, you could walk, cycle, scoot, roller skate etc. There is even a chance to win some great prizes. Last year our school came 13th out of 5000 schools, I would love it if we could do even better this year. 

Kind regards Mrs Green, School Travel Champion.

Click below to see the letter from Mrs Green about this.

If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:











This Week’s Learning – wb 07.02.22


This week, we had our trip to the Horniman Museum to help learn more about our topic, including evolution and fossils – you can see pictures of this in the gallery section. In English, we have been writing our adventure stories and then worked with a partner to edit them before reflecting upon what we have learnt this term in our topic ‘Life’s Legacy’.


In maths we solved problems involving percentages, decimals and fractions and then moved onto our measurement topic: converting measures involving mass and length.


In music, we are using Soundtrap to create our own jingles for a chocolate bar of our choice.


Bonjour!  This week we have had lots of fun putting on our fashion show.  The children really know how to strike a pose and I was really impressed with how much French they spoke.


First Week Back’s Learning – wb 21.02.22


Our topic next term is WWII. We will start by thinking about what we know about this topic and what we would like to find out. Throughout the term, we will learn about why WWII took place, what life was like before and after, think about what life would have been like as an evacuee and why evacuated occurred. Children will also get the chance to create their own propaganda posters.


In maths during the first week back, we will be continuing with measure, moving on to volume and mass. We will convert different measures and solve problems using this knowledge before moving on to time.


Next term in French, our new topic will be learning about café culture with a focus on ice cream – délicieux! Keep up the numbers practice over the half term break:

Go up to 30 on the video and beyond to get you ready for next half term.



Class Teacher Awards – 11.02.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Rayyaan and Lacey-Rae

Sycamore: All of Sycamore Class


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 11.02.22


We wanted to say how proud we are of how hard the children have worked this half term and hope that you have a lovely half term break! We look forward to seeing children back on Monday 21st February.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 31.01.22


This week in geography we used atlases and aerial maps to locate the Galapagos Islands. We then compared an aerial map of London with an aerial map of the Galapagos islands. In English, we looked at the different settings on the Galapagos Islands and planned a setting description before collecting lots of adventurous vocabulary we could use. We then wrote them using a range of language: expanded noun phrases, prepositions, personification, metaphors and similes. You can read some of these in the gallery section!


In maths we compared percentages of amounts before exploring the relationship between fractions and percentages; after this, we then added in the relationship between these two and decimals and solved problems in real life contexts.


In music, we are using Soundtrap to create our own jingles for a chocolate bar of our choice.


Bonjour! This week we have been looking at what celebrities are wearing and describing the clothes using colours.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 07.02.22


In topic next week, we will be planning and writing an adventure story which takes place on the Galapagos Islands before reflecting upon what we have learnt during our ‘Life’s Legacy’ topic.


In maths, we will be solving more problems with fractions, decimals and percentages before beginning our measures topic, starting with length and mass.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to create our own jingles for a chocolate bar of our choice.


Next week in French, we will be performing our fashion show.  If your child would like to, they can come in in Mufti (10/02/22) so that they can describe their own fashion. They can also bring in funny accessories (hats etc) to wear on our “catwalk”. Have a listen to this song to help with learning your numbers in French:



Class Teacher Awards – 04.02.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Ahmed and Britney

Sycamore: Max and Chelsea


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 04.02.22


Just a reminder on Monday 7th February we have our trip to the Horniman Museum. If you have not yet paid, please make sure this is done via Arbor. Children will need to bring a packed lunch in a plastic bag and should be wearing school uniform with comfortable shoes (e.g. trainers). They will also need to be wearing a coat.


Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 8th February 2022


All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online


Safer Internet Day is an international holiday celebrated to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones across the world.  Parents and carers can find out more about this by clicking here.


On Tuesday, we will be taking part in activities and an assembly to promote an awareness of how to keep safe when online.  We will also be talking about the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) button with our KS1 and KS2 pupils.  This is a button that we can find on many websites, including online games.  We click this button to report online abuse or something that worries us and it takes us directly to the CEOP command centre where we can make a report. (Children, parents, teachers etc can all use this button.)


This is what the button looks like:


Mrs Briggs, the Digital Learning Lead, has ensured that this button can be found on many relevant pages of our school website and is now setting each of you a challenge.  How many buttons can you find on our Rushy Meadow Primary Academy website?  You will need to check that all of these buttons are working by clicking on them. Let your class teacher know how many you found using your online learning platform (Tapestry, Seesaw or MS Teams).


Children’s Mental Health Week


We also have Mental Health Week next week which will teach children about the importance of mental health. We will be completing some fun activities throughout the week to support this, including mindful colouring, yoga and class circle times. We will also be having a mufti day on Friday 11th February with the theme of ‘Dress to Express’! You can find more details in the posters below.





If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 24.01.22


We have had our mock SATs this week and children have done amazingly! We are so proud of the progress they are making.


This week in English, we have written our explanation texts about human evolution. In science, we recapped how fossils are created from Year 4 and then learnt about how they can provide us with evidence from the past. Children compared fossils with their living relatives, finding similarities and differences. We had an art day on Friday! We looked at the artist M C Escher and his style of sketching, creating an artist study about what we liked and disliked. We then practised different sketching techniques using charcoal before creating our own fossil drawing using the charcoal.


In music, we are using Soundtrap to create our own jingles for a chocolate bar of our choice.


Bonjour!  This week we have been saying what he or she is wearing.  We looked at fashion shows in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where French is spoken and we said what the models were wearing.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 31.01.22


In topic next week, we will be starting with geography: children will learn about aerial maps and we will be locating the Galapagos Islands on different maps, including Google Earth and atlases. We will be looking at the different settings on the Galapagos Islands before planning a setting description, collecting effective vocabulary for it and then writing it, ready to use in our stories the week after.


In maths, we will be continuing with our percentage topic. We will compare percentages of amounts and then learn about the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages before using this knowledge to solve real life problems.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to create our own jingles for a chocolate bar of our choice.


Next week, we will begin to look at how to describe the clothes using colour adjectives in French.  Use this video to revise counting from 1-20 in French: You could practice numbers at home by playing some of these games:



Class Teacher Awards – 28.01.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: All of Willow Class

Sycamore: Claudia and Jack M


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 28.01.22


A letter has gone out about a school trip we have planned to the Horniman Museum on Monday 7th February. Please return the form and pay the £3 on Arbor as soon as possible.


The children did amazing during their mock SATs this week – we are so proud of them!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 17.01.22


This week in science, we learnt how organisms are classified into groups according to their characteristics and created our own set of classification keys to sort different animals. Children then learnt about how plants and animals adapt to their environment in order to survive and how this can lead to evolution, using Darwin’s finches as an example. We then learnt about the stages of human evolution before planning an explanation text.


In maths, we had one  more lesson on converting fractions to decimals before moving on to percentages. We learnt how to find percentages of amounts, calculate percentage increase and decrease and find missing values of percentages.


In music, we are using Soundtrap to create our own jingles for a chocolate bar of our choice.


Bonjour!  This week we have been learning how to say a wider variety of clothing in French and building a word bank to use in our fashion show. 


Next Week’s Learning – wb 24.01.22


Next week, children will be doing their Mock SATs amongst the learning below! More information about this can be found in the parent/carer information section.


In English, we will be using our plans to write explanation texts about how humans have evolved. In science, children will recap how fossils are formed and will learn about how they can provide us with information about the past. We then have an art focus for the remainder of the week, where we will be completing an artist study for M C Escher, practising different skills using charcoal and then using the charcoal to sketch fossils at the end.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to create our own jingles for a chocolate bar of our choice.


Next week in French, we will be putting our vocabulary about clothing in a sentence to say what he or she is wearing.

 You could practice numbers at home by playing some of these games:



Class Teacher Awards – 21.01.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Alfie and Iryna

Sycamore: Omiru and Sarohan


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 21.01.22


A letter has gone out about a school trip we have planned to the Horniman Museum on Monday 7th February. Please return the form and pay the £3 on Arbor as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if not enough funds are collected, we will not be able to take part in the workshop.


We are going to be holding our Mock SATs next week (wb 24.01.22) – we want to reassure you that this is nothing to worry about and we make it as relaxed as possible for the children (with some potential treats if they’re lucky!). We aim to keep it as normal as possible and these tests will help us to identify gaps in learning to help your child progress even further. Most of them actually seem quite excited!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 10.01.22


This week, we have been learning about selective breeding in plants and animals and children conducted some research to find out what the pros and cons of using this process are. They then used this research to plan and write a balanced argument about whether selective breeding should be allowed and edited their work with a partner.


In maths, we started by continuing to multiply decimals by whole numbers, this time looking at multiplying by two-digit numbers. Children then learnt how to divide them and round them to two decimal places. Towards the end of the week, we learnt how to convert decimals into fractions and completed a group practical activity on Friday to show how to convert fractions into decimals. You can see pictures of this activity in the gallery section.


In music, we are beginning to develop our listening skills by exploring and mapping the sounds around us and will be developing creative processes for composing with non-musical sounds.


Bonjour!  This half term in French, we will be learning about clothes and will be filming a class fashion show at the end of the half term.  This week we have learnt the names of some clothing items in French.  We will also continue to practice numbers from 1-30.  You could help at home using this video:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 17.01.22


In science, we will be learning about how scientists use classification systems to sort and classify organisms and children will get a go at creating their own classification key to sort a set of given animals based on their characteristics, e.g. whether they are a mammal, cold-blooded, have scales etc. We will then be learning about how plants and animals have adapted to their environment and how this adaptation can eventually lead to evolution. We will be looking at Darwin and his work with finches in particular here. After, children will learn about human evolution and plan an explanation text to explain this process.


In maths, we are going to be moving on to percentages: finding percentages of a whole number, finding missing values when given a percentage and calculating percentage increase and decrease.


In music, we will continue to develop our listening skills by exploring and mapping the sounds around us and will be developing creative processes for composing with non-musical sounds.


Next week in French, we will be learning how to say a wider variety of clothing in French.



Class Teacher Awards – 14.01.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Freya and Tallulah

Sycamore: Connor and Betsy


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 14.01.22


A letter has gone out about a school trip we have planned to the Horniman Museum on Monday 7th February. Please return the form and pay the £3 on Arbor as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if not enough funds are collected, we will not be able to take part in the workshop.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 03.01.22


This week, we have started our new topic ‘Life’s Legacy’. We began by discussing what we already know about things like evolution, fossils and inheritance and what we would like to learn. Children then learnt about how parents produce offspring of the same kind through inheritance using Mr Men characters to demonstrate our understanding. You can see an example of this in the gallery section. We then began to look at the features of balanced arguments, ready to write our own next week.


In maths, we are continuing our learning on decimals and have been adding and subtracting them. We started by using place value counters to show our understanding and then used this knowledge to solve problems in a range of contexts.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 10.01.22


In topic, we will be learning about the advantages and disadvantages of selective breeding and will be using this to write a balanced argument about this.


In maths, we are going to be learning how to multiply and divide decimals by a whole number and how to round them to two decimal places. We will then start to learn how to convert decimals into fractions.



Class Teacher Awards – 07.01.22


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Aratrika and Alan

Sycamore: Ruby R and Jack M


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 07.01.22


Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are having a good start to 2022 – let’s hope it’s more positive than last year! We are so happy to be back with the children and am sure they will have another great half term!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 13.12.21


In science, we have been learning about electricity. We recapped what we could remember from Year 4 and then learnt about components  used in a series circuit and how to represent these using symbols in a diagram. Children then worked in groups to create their own circuits and investigate what happened when voltage was increased or more bulbs/buzzers were added to the circuit.


In maths, we started our learning on decimals: recognising the place value and comparing and ordering them.


In music, we have been using Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


Bonjour! This week we did some fun Christmas activities!


First Week Back’s Learning – wb 03.01.22


In topic, we will be starting our new topic ‘Life’s Legacy’ which will revolve around different species and their offspring, classification of plants and animals, evolution and fossils amongst other things. Children will start by learning about how organisms produce offspring of the same kind through genetic characteristics.


In maths, we will be learning how to add and subtract decimals.



Class Teacher Awards – 17.12.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: All of Willow Class!

Sycamore: All of Sycamore Class!


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 17.12.21


We wanted to take a quick moment to say how well children have done this term and we look forward to the new year!

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year – stay safe!


A couple of reminders:

  • We return to school on Wednesday 5th January 2022
  • Children will need to come into school that day dressed up as what they would like to be when they are older and bring in some photos of significant moments in their life. More information can be found in the letter which was sent out.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














Click the link above to see the activity timetable for residential! 











Year 6 Residential 2021!!

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1 - mud walk!!

Still image for this video

Day 1

This Week’s Learning – wb 29.11.21


In English this week, we have been writing character descriptions for Matilda, a character in our class novel ‘The Matilda Effect’ by Ellie Irving. Children started by doing some role play, pretending to be in the ‘hot seat’ as Matilda and then collected a range of vocabulary they could use to describe her before planning and writing their descriptions.


In maths, we learnt how to find a fraction of an amount and how to find the amount when given the fraction or part. We also found the difference between fractions using subtraction,


In music, we have been using Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


Bonjour! This week we began to prepare a fact file about our chosen famous French speaking person in French and English. We will be finishing this off after the residential week.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 06.12.21


Residential Time!!!!!!!

For those of you staying at school, we have lots of fun activities planned!



Class Teacher Awards – 03.12.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Anish and Harini

Sycamore: Alisha and Saathana


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 03.12.21


It’s residential time! Just a couple of reminders:


  • Please pack lots of warm clothes and waterproofs!


  • Children will need a packed lunch for the Monday to eat once we get there


  • Final payments for residential need to be paid on Arbor – please speak to you if you are having any problems with this.


  • If your child requires any medication, please ensure you have returned the form to us and that medication is in a labelled bag and given into us.


  • Lots of photos will be put onto the blog in the gallery section so stay tuned!



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 22.11.21


In topic, we have learnt how light enters our eye and conducted our own experiments to test how the shape and size of a shadow changes with distance from a light source. Children used their findings from this experiment to explain why shadows will always stay the same shape but can change size depending on distance. You can see photos of these experiments in the gallery section. We have also been writing newspaper reports about the invention of the lightbulb.


In maths, we have been multiplying fractions. We started by multiplying a fraction by another fraction and then by a whole number. After, we divided fractions by a whole number.


In music, we have been using Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


Bonjour! This week we have been researching a famous French speaking person of our choice.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 29.11.21


We will be doing some assessments next week to see all the amazing progress children have made since September! These are nothing to worry about and will be completed in normal lesson time 😊


Next week, we will be writing character descriptions for a character from our class novel, ‘The Matilda Effect’. Children will start by engaging in role play and then plan and collect language for their descriptions before writing and editing them.


In maths, we are learning how to find fractions of amounts and then working back to find the whole value when given a part. Children will also be learning to find the difference between fractions.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


In French next week, we will begin to prepare a fact file about the person in French and English. You could continue to use Google to find out more about your chosen person at home.



Class Teacher Awards – 26.11.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Raymond and Tanu

Sycamore: Ruby T and An-Chen


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 26.11.21


  • Final payments for residential need to be paid on Arbor – please speak to you if you are having any problems with this.
  • If your child requires any medication, please ensure you have returned the form to us and that medication is in a labelled bag and given into school by Friday 3rd December at the latest.


If you would like some support in helping your child with their maths at home, please click the link below to find out more:

You have all been emailed details for the Christmas School Concerts this year! Please make sure you fill in and return the reply slip if you would like to come and watch your child in their concert!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:











This Week’s Learning – wb 15.11.21


In topic, we have created advertisements to persuade someone to buy the phone we designed in DT last week. These turned out amazing and you can see some of them in the gallery section! In science, we have started learning about light. We recapped what we have already learnt about sources of light from Year 4 and then learnt how light is reflected by carrying out some experiments with torches and mirrors. In history, we learnt about the invention of the lightbulb and the impact it had upon society.


In maths, have been carrying on with fractions and have learnt how to add and subtract them by making the denominator the same. This also included adding and subtracting mixed numbers, where there are whole numbers and fractions together.


In music, we have been using Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


Bonjour! This week we have using the adjectives to describe famous French people and doing some activities based on these people such as building Eiffel towers, creating cartoon characters, dancing and much more.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 22.11.21


Next week, we will be learning about how light enters our eye using what we know about reflection. We will then be carrying out an experiment to test the shape and size of shadows and to figure out why and how shadows are formed. We are then going to look at the features of a newspaper report before planning and writing our own about the invention of the lightbulb.


In maths, we will be moving onto multiplying and dividing fractions, both by other fractions and by whole numbers.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


In French next week, we will begin research a famous French person.  You could begin to make a decision about which person you might choose and do a Google search to find out some basic information about them.  They could be French or from any French speaking Francophone country.


Class Teacher Awards – 19.11.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Biram and Cathleen

Sycamore: Alex and Ayyan


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 19.11.21


  • Final payments for residential need to be paid on Arbor – please speak to you if you are having any problems with this.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 08.11.21


In topic, we have written biographies about a British inventor and worked in partners to edit and up-level them. In history, we learnt about how telephone technology has changed over time and created a timeline to show these changes, thinking about the impact of each phone upon Britain. In DT, we designed our own futuristic mobile phones, which we will use this week to write a persuasive advertisement.


In maths, we started our fractions unit. We begun by finding equivalent fractions and then learnt how to simplify them using highest common factor. We also compared and ordered fractions by making the denominators the same.


In music, we have been using Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


Bonjour! This week we have been writing poems in French describing ourselves, using the adjectives that we learnt last week. You could practice numbers at home by playing some of these games:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 15.11.21


Next week, we will be using the phones we have designed to create an advertisement to persuade people to buy our phone. In history we will be learning about the invention of the light bulb and, in science, will recap sources of light and learn about how light is reflected.


In maths, we will be continuing to order and compare fractions and then will learn how to add and subtract them.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


In French next week we will be using the adjectives to describe famous French people and we will be doing some activities based on these people.



Class Teacher Awards – 12.11.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Daniel and Tommy

Sycamore: Summer and Maisie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 12.11.21


  • Final payments for residential need to be paid on Arbor – please speak to you if you are having any problems with this.



We have a busy week next week! Firstly, it is Anti-Bullying Week and the theme this year is 'One Kind Word'. We kick off on Monday with Odd Socks Day! Children will need to wear school uniform but can wear the oddest socks they can find! Please see the letter below for more information.

We also have Road Safety Week next week and the theme this year is 'Road Safety Heroes'. Children have been designing posters which you can see around the school gates and we will be doing some fun activities next week linked to how we are kept safe on the roads. 

Please see the documents below for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:












This Week’s Learning – wb 01.11.21


In topic, we have started our ‘Brilliant British Inventions’ topic. We started by discussing what we already know about British inventors and inventions and what we would like to find out during the term. We also had a fun hook afternoon where we worked in groups to build our own marble runs outside – you can see pictures of this in the gallery section. In geography, we used atlases to locate where British inventors were born and mark these places on a map of Britain. In English, we researched a British inventor of our choice and created a poster about their life, ready to help us write biographies next week.


This week we recapped long division and then learnt how to use BODMAS to solve equations with mixed operations. We also solved word problems involving all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


In music, we have been using Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


Bonjour! This half term in French, we will be learning about famous people in French culture. This week we have learnt how adjectives change their spelling in French depending on whether they are used to describe a man or a woman.  We will also continue to practice numbers from 1-30. You could help at home using this video:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 08.11.21


Next week, we will be using our research from this week to plan and write a biography about a British inventor. We will also be learning about how telephone technology has changed in history and designing our own mobile phones in DT.


In maths, we are starting our unit on fractions. We will be starting by ordering fractions and will then be identifying equivalent fractions and simplifying them.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to identify parts of a composition and use loops.


In French, we are going to use adjectives we have already learnt to write a poem about ourselves.




Class Teacher Awards – 05.11.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Bianca and Stephan

Sycamore: Jack N and Max


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 05.11.21


  • Just a reminder we have our Junior Citizenship Trip on Wednesday 10th November – please send your child to school in their school uniform with comfortable shoes. They will also need their packed lunch unless your child is entitled to free school meals and you have asked for the school to make one for you.


  • Please endeavour to keep up with payments for the Year 6 residential – if you are having any problems, please just let one of us know.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 18.10.21


In DT, we designed and made our own Arctic tents. First, we evaluated existing tents and then used this to design our own. In groups, we made our tents and then evaluated them – you can see pictures of this in our gallery section.


This week we learnt about prime numbers, square numbers, factors and multiples and common factors and multiples between two sets of numbers.


In music, we continued to create our own piece of music using Soundtrap, a programme to make music online.


Bonjour!  This week we have been finishing our descriptions of what is happening in a picture using the correct pronoun, verb and ending.  This is a challenging topic and I am really proud of the way Year 6 has persevered.  I have seen some really outstanding work.  Over half term you could practice counting in French.  Go to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 5/6, languages, French and then scrolling down to the numbers activity. 


First Week Back’s Learning – wb 01.11.21


Our topic next term is ‘Brilliant British Inventions’ where we will be learning about British inventors and how inventions have changed over time. We will also be learning about light and electricity in science and will be conducting a few experiments!


In maths, we are having a revision session on long division to make sure we haven’t forgotten over half term! We are then learning how to solve problems using BODMAS (brackets, orders, division, multiplication, addition and subtraction). Children will also be solving some problems using the four operations.


Class Teacher Awards – 22.10.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Lily and Kaveesha

Sycamore: Olly and Liam


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 22.10.21


  • Just a reminder we are having our parents residential meeting on Thursday 4th November 2021 at 9am in the hall. This is an important meeting where you will find out more details about what you can expect from this week.  


  • Please endeavour to keep up with payments for the Year 6 residential – if you are having any problems, please just let one of us know.


HAVE A WONDERFUL HALF TERM! See you back in school on Tuesday 2nd November 2021.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 11.10.21


In topic, we gathered language for our adventure flashback stories on Monday in groups, looking through different setting and character descriptions and the ‘Descriptosaurus’. We then wrote our stories and edited them with a partner.


This week we have been learning long division and most of us have found it is not as hard as we thought! Children have really persevered with this and we are so proud of them. On Friday, we then solved a range of division problems, using both long and short division methods.


In music, we continued to create our own piece of music using Soundtrap, a programme to make music online.


Bonjour!  This week in French we have been describing what is happening in a picture using sentences saying, ‘she dances’, ‘he eats’, ‘they ski’ and so on. 


Next Week’s Learning – wb 18.10.21


Next week in topic, we will be having a DT week. Children are going to start by evaluating existing tents and researching what customers have reviewed about Arctic tents that already exist. We will then use this to make and evaluate our own tents!


In maths, we will be learning about factors, multiples and cube, square and prime numbers.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to create our own online music piece.


Next week in French we will be finishing off our descriptions.



Class Teacher Awards – 15.10.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Zack and Lenny

Sycamore: Andy and Ruby R


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 15.10.21


We have a few reminders this week:


  • Please could you continue to collect some junk modelling, such as cardboard, plastic, bubble wrap etc – we are going to be building tents next week!
  • Please endeavour to keep up with payments for the Year 6 residential – if you are having any problems, please just let one of us know.
  • We are holding our parent consultations on Tuesday 19th October. Please remember school finishes at 1pm. Please try to be on time for your appointment and we look forward to speaking with you.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 04.10.21


In topic, we finished and edited our explanation texts about how humans survive in the Arctic. In art, we have been experimenting with different chalk techniques and created Arctic scenes using what we had learnt. You can see some of the amazing final pieces in our gallery section! Towards the end of the week, we planned our adventure flashback stories, which we will be writing next week.


This week we have been learning how to divide by one-digit numbers using the short division bus stop method. On Friday, we began to divide by 2-digit numbers using factors, e.g. 2347 ÷ 18 can be split into: 2347 ÷ 6 and then ÷ the answer by 3 (6 x 3 = 18).


In music, we continued to create our own piece of music using Soundtrap, a programme to make music online.


Bonjour!  This week we have been looking at the verbs endings for ER verbs depending on what pronoun you use. 


Next Week’s Learning – wb 11.10.21


Next week in topic, we will be gathering amazing language and vocabulary about settings and characters for our adventure flashback stories and then will use this and our plan to write them.


In maths, we will be learning how to divide numbers by 2-digit numbers using the long division method.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to create our own online music piece.


Next week in French we will be describing what is happening in a picture using our knowledge so far.




Class Teacher Awards – 08.10.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Bhagat and Megan

Sycamore: Beste and Yousuf


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 08.10.21


We have quite a few reminders this week:


  • We are holding our ‘Come and Be Nosy’ mornings on 12th October and 13th October at 9am – 9.30am. Why not come and see your child learning in maths? Please note, you are only able to attend one of the two mornings.
  • Please could you start to collect some junk modelling, such as cardboard,  plastic, bubble wrap etc – we are going to be building tents in our last week of school before half term!
  • Please endeavour to keep up with payments for the Year 6 residential – if you are having any problems, please just let one of us know.


We also had our 'Funky Fish Finer' school lunch this week. These two girls were lucky enough to be the winners with a sticker under their seat and won a book!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 27.09.21


In topic, we finished our persuasive letters to persuade Captain Oates to remain on the South Pole expedition and then worked in partners to edit and improve them. We then used our winbooks to conduct some research about past and present polar explorations and used this information to think about how humans can survive in the Arctic. We then planned and begun to write our explanation text about human survival in these regions. Stay posted for our finished writing next week!


This week we have moved onto multiplication in maths: we started with short multiplication (multiplying by a one-digit number) and used place value counters to show our understanding of exchanging into the next column. After, we moved onto long multiplication – multiplying by a two-digit number.


In music, we continued to create our own piece of music using Soundtrap, a programme to make music online.


Bonjour!  This week in French we have been putting our pronouns and infinitive knowledge together to learn about different verb endings for ER verbs.  It’s a tricky concept but Alexa explains it really well in this video.

 The first 7 minutes concentrates on the ER verbs that we have been looking at today.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 04.10.21


Next week in topic, we will be continuing to write our explanation texts about how humans survive in the Arctic. In art, we are going to be using chalk to create an Arctic scene before planning our own adventure stories.


In maths, we will be moving onto learning how to complete the short division method (dividing by a one-digit number) and putting these problems into context.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to create our own online music piece.


Next week in French we will be continuing to look at the endings of ER verbs.




Class Teacher Awards – 01.10.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Ahmed and Lexi

Sycamore: Ethan and Lathik


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 01.10.21


We have quite a few reminders this week:


  • We are holding our ‘Come and Be Nosy’ mornings on 12th October and 13th October at 9am – 9.30am. Why not come and see your child learning in maths? Please note, you are only able to attend one of the two mornings.
  • Please could you start to collect some junk modelling, such as cardboard,  plastic, bubble wrap etc – we are going to be building tents in our last week of school before half term!
  • Please endeavour to keep up with payments for the Year 6 residential – if you are having any problems, please just let one of us know.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 20.09.21


In topic, we finished our persuasive leaflets to help save the polar regions. We then learnt about famous Arctic explorers Robert Falcon-Scott and Roald Amundsen who raced to get to the South Pole first. Children watched a video and read information about them and used what they had learnt to create story map about their expeditions, focussing on how one of the team members sacrificed himself to the cold in order not to slow the others down. We then used this as inspiration to write a persuasive letter pretending we were Falcon-Scott, writing to our team mate to not sacrifice himself.


We started the week continuing with multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 in maths this week, before moving on to calculating the difference between negative numbers. On Friday, we begun to look and adding and subtracting using the column method, but will continue this into next week.


In music, we continued to create our own piece of music using Soundtrap, a programme to make music online.


Bonjour! This week we have been learning how to say pronouns in French (Je = I, tu = you, Il / elle = he / she etc). Take a look at the YouTube video that we based our Kung Fu pronouns on and keep up the practice:



Next Week’s Learning – wb 20.09.21


Next week in topic, we will be comparing past and present Arctic explorers and expeditions and using this to plan and write an explanation text about how humans can survive in the Arctic.


In maths, we will be using the column method to add and subtract numbers, including ones with exchanging.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to create our own online music piece.


Next week in French we will be putting our pronouns and infinitive knowledge together to learn about different verb endings for ER verbs.




Class Teacher Awards – 24.09.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Freya and Rayyaan

Sycamore: Claudia and Karl-Junior


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 24.09.21


Next week is ‘Bike to School Week’! We would love as many of you as possible to ditch the cars this week and bike, scoot or walk to school. Are you up for the challenge?! It runs from Monday 27th September – Friday 1st October.



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 13.09.21


In topic, we have been continuing to learn about how global warming and climate change affects the polar regions. We looked at the features of persuasive texts and have been using this learning to begin to write our own persuasive leaflets to convince people to save the polar regions from melting. You can see the start of some of these in the gallery section.


In maths, we have been rounding numbers up to 1,000,000. We also recapped how to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000, including decimal numbers.


In music, we continued learning how to use Soundtrap, a programme to make music online.


Bonjour! In French, we learnt about what an infinitive is. We did activities based to verbs like tom play, to eat, to skip etc. We began to make characters and write sentences about them e.g. he likes to dance, to run etc.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 20.09.21


Next week in topic, we will be finishing our persuasive leaflets and then working with a partner to edit and improve them. Afterwards, we are going to learn about Amundsen and Falcon-Scott: arctic explorers who raced to the South Pole. Children will then start to write a persuasive letter to one of the companions on the trip.


In maths, we will be multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We are also going to learn about negative numbers and how to find the difference between them, as well as starting our topic of addition and subtraction.


In music, we will be continuing to use Soundtrap to create our own online music piece.


In French next week, we will be learning how to say pronouns in French.



Class Teacher Awards – 17.09.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Olivia and Lacey-Rae

Sycamore: Nj and Gracie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 17.09.21


Hello! Wednesday 22nd September is National Car Free Day where we would like you to park somewhere further away from school and then walk in to school. There will be badges! Click the link below for more information about how you can get involved.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails yes:















This Week's Learning – wb 06.09.21


In topic, we have been learning about the similarities and differences between the polar regions. Children used their Winbooks to do their research and then wrote comparative information reports to present what they had found out. We then learnt about how animals have adapted to live in their environment and compared animals in the polar regions with animals in the desert. Towards the end of the week, we learnt about the effects of global warming on our planet and thought of ways we can manage and sustain our environment. You can see pictures of this work in the gallery section.


In maths, we have been continuing with place value and used greater than and less than to compare numbers. We then used this knowledge to solve problems in partners using counters. Children were great at learning to read and write roman numerals up to 10,000 and were so much more confident by the end! Finally, we begun to look at how to round numbers but will continue this next week.


In music, we started something new and exciting – learning how to use Soundtrap, a programme to make music online.


Bonjour! In French, we had a quick recap and completed a mindful sharing activity using adjectives in French to describe what our friends are like.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 13.09.21


Next week in topic, we will be using what we have learnt about global warming to discuss how the polar regions are being affected. Children will then be writing their own persuasive leaflets to convince people to save these areas from melting.


In maths, we will be continuing to round numbers to 10, 100 and 1000 and multiply numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.


In music, we will be continuing to learn how to use Soundtrap, a programme to make music online.


In French, we will learn about what an infinitive is.



Class Teacher Awards – 10.09.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Aleksandra and Keyaan

Sycamore: Chelsea and Charlie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 10.09.21


Hello! Wednesday 22nd September is National Car Free Day where we would like you to park somewhere further away from school and then walk in to school. There will be badges! Click the link below for more smiley information about how you can get involved.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:












First week back! – wb 30.08.21


We have had a great first couple of days settling into Year 6 and getting stuck into our first topic: Polar Regions. We discussed what we already know about the Arctic and Antarctica and then shared what we would like to find out during the topic. We also had our ‘hook day’ where we dressed up as Arctic explorers and created documentaries about these regions – you can see pictures of this in the gallery section. Finally, we used our map skills to locate the Arctic and Antarctica, along with continents, oceans and lines of latitude, including the equator and the tropics.


We only had one maths lesson this week and spent time recapping reading, writing and ordering numbers up to 10,000,000, discussing the place value of each digit. We did this using place value counters. This can also be seen in the gallery section.


The rest of the time was spent getting used to our new classroom, talking about our summer holidays and discussing any worries we have about Year 6.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 06.09.21


Next week in topic, we will be learning about the similarities and differences between the Arctic and Antarctica, including where they are located and the animals that can be found there; we will then use this information to write a comparative information report. After, we are going to learn about how animals are adapted to these regions and compare this with animals from a different habitat: the desert. Children will also learn about the effects of global warming on the Polar Regions and how they can help to save the planet.


In maths, we will be continuing to read, write and order numbers up to 10,000,000 using our knowledge of place value and will then be reading and writing numbers in roman numerals. On Friday, we will begin to revise how to round numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1000.


In French this half term, we will be learning about verbs in French, however next week, we will be completing a mindful sharing activity using adjectives in French to describe what our friends are like.



Parent/Carer Information - 03.09.21


Please remember to sign the walking home permission slip if you wish you child to either walk to the gate or walk home at the end of the day. We are unable to let children leave unless we have these permission slips.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:















Welcome to Year 6! We hope you all had a wonderful summer break and are raring to go for the year ahead – we have lots of fun things planned!



We have numerous adults working within year 6 this year:


Miss Knight and Miss Dowding are the class teachers and we have Mrs Walker as our wonderful teaching assistant. We are also lucky enough this year to have a student teacher with us – Miss Foster!



This term, our topic is Polar Regions, where we will be learning all about the Arctic, including famous expeditions, animal adaptations, global warming and much more! We begin this week by locating the polar regions on a world map and will be busy creating some polar region themed documentaries – don’t forget to come into school dressed as an Arctic explorer on Friday 3rd September so you can truly play the part!



Just a few reminders:


  • All children must be in school no later than 8.45. Gates will open at 8.35 every morning. Pick up time will be 3.20 for Key Stage 2.
  • Our PE days this year are Mondays for indoor PE and Fridays for outdoor PE. Please send children to school dressed in their PE kit on these days, similar to how we did last year.



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:























The summer has arrived! We are so extremely gutted to say goodbye to such an amazing group of children but know they will all be amazing at their high schools! We have created so many memories that both of us will remember forever. Thank you to all of you for also being amazing this year.


We wish every one of them the best of luck and would love them to come and visit us next year! You can see lots of end of year photos in the gallery section - we had a blast the last couple of days!


Have a wonderful summer break – you all deserve it!


Love Miss Knight and Miss Dowding

x 😊 x











This Week’s Learning – wb 12.07.21


This week we had our three performances and loved showing our friends and family. Keep your eyes peeled for the video!


In topic, we used our balanced arguments about whether children should be allowed junk food to take part in a debate – it got a bit heated!


We have also been completing other fun activities, including making a prospectus for new parents to Rushy Meadow, filming ‘Year 6 Survival’ videos for Year 5s, created our stop-motion animations and solved some maths quizzes and games.


Children were also treated to some ice cream to say well done for their commitment to the recent Times Table Rock Stars competition and for all their hard work in the leavers production. You can see photos of this in the gallery section.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 19.07.21


Next week, we will be having a fun last week at Rushy Meadow before the children move on to high school. We have lots of fun things planned, including their leavers party, a breakfast picnic in the park, quizzes, outdoor games and signing of t-shirts. Stay tuned for lots of pictures!



Class Teacher Awards – 16.07.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: all of Willow Class!

Sycamore: all of Sycamore class!


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 16.07.21


Thank you to all of you who attended the Year 6 leavers production – the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we are so proud of them!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:

Click the link below for a great bikeability opportunity!












This Week’s Learning – wb 05.07.21


This week we had our sports day and loved it! You can see some pictures of us enjoying ourselves in the gallery section.


In topic, we used our plans to write our balanced arguments about whether children should be allowed to eat junk food. We did this on our Winbooks and focussed on using a range of punctuation and clause structures.


This week in music, we continued to learn the songs for our end of year production – our last song rehearsal!

Bonjour!  This week, Year 6 continued rewriting and illustrating their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They had a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 12.07.21


Next week in topic, we will be wrapping up our ‘Body Works’ topic by having a debate about whether children should be allowed to eat junk food using our balanced arguments that we have written. We will then think about all we have learnt this term by filling in our KWL grids.


In French, children will finish their work on their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster). 


We will also be performing our end of year production – we can’t wait for you to see it! At other points throughout the week, we will be filming ‘Surviving Year 6’ documentaries, creating a leaflet all about Rushy Meadow, having some fun with outdoor games and doing some lovely art activities.



Class Teacher Awards – 09.07.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Alvin and Cameron

Sycamore: Angelo and Shayaan


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 09.07.21


A reminder that Monday 12th July to Wednesday 14th July at 2:15pm is our end of year production. We will start promptly at 2:15pm, so please be on time! Please remember to only come on the day you have been given and that you bring your allocated tickets with you. We will unfortunately be unable to let anyone else inside to watch. As mentioned, we will be filming the production so family members and friends who are unable to come will still be able to enjoy it later on.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













Dear Parents and Carers, 


As you know, this week we are holding sports day events for all the pupils.  This year, these are happening within bubbles rather than it being a whole school event. 

I know that many of you are disappointed that you are not invited to attend.  I need to reiterate that we are following Government advice and the guidance from the Department of Education about maintaining social distancing and limiting people onto school premises to help keep people safe.  As you know, at the moment, there is a great deal of speculation in the press about what schools can and can’t do, but I must stress, at this stage no specific guidance about relaxing measures has been given to schools. 


I realise that it is frustrating to see thousands of spectators at football events and at Wimbledon tennis, and therefore find it difficult to know why the school can’t invite hundreds of parents onto the premises.  However, it would be irresponsible of the school and the Trust if we were to go against government guidance. 

Thank you for your cooperation and support with this matter. 


Yours faithfully,  

Ms Bretherick












This Week’s Learning – wb 28.06.21


In topic, we have been learning about the effect that diet, exercise, drugs and alcohol have on our bodies. We created posters to show the impact of a healthy diet and exercise and worked in groups to identify the effects of drugs and match them to the correct body part these drugs affect. Children then used what they had learnt to plan a balanced argument about whether children should be allowed to eat junk food. We also painted our clay heart sculptures which we made last week.


This week in music, we continued to learn the songs for our end of year production!

Bonjour!  This week, Year 6 continued rewriting and illustrating their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They had a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 05.07.21


Next week in topic, we will be writing our balanced arguments on our winbooks and then having a debate using these. We will be wrapping up our ‘Body Works’ topic and discussing what we have learnt over the term.


In music, we will be continuing to learn the songs for our end of year production – our final week of practise!


In French, children will continue to work on their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster). 


We will also be continuing to rehearse our end of year production – we’re almost there!



Class Teacher Awards – 02.07.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Louie and Hollie

Sycamore: Jake and Banaz


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 02.07.21


You should have now received information about what your child should wear for our end of year production. Please do not feel pressure to buy a whole new outfit and please speak to us if you have any questions. These costumes need to be in school by latest Wednesday 7th July, ready for our dress rehearsal. Thank you!


We will also be having our sports day on Thursday 8th July, so get ready to see some pictures on the blog!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














Dear parents/carers,

Cheam Cricket Club are running an exciting cricket summer camp this July and August!

Please see the flyer below for further details about how to sign up if your child is interested.












This Week’s Learning – wb 21.06.21


In topic, we have been learning about how micro-organisms are classified into bacteria, fungi and viruses. Children wrote about each, comparing them and discussing how they grow and their affect on the body where appropriate. We then used this understanding to discuss findings to our bread experiment to test which environment fungi grows best in, which we set up at the beginning of the term. In art, we used our knowledge of what the heart looks like to create clay sculptures of the heart, including the chambers and major blood vessels. Before making our sculptures, we practised different techniques using the clay, such as rolling and smoothing it.


This week in music, we continued to learn the songs for our end of year production!

Bonjour!  This week, Year 6 continued rewriting and illustrating their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They had a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 28.06.21


Next week in topic, we will be learning about the effect of diet and exercise on our bodies, along with drugs and alcohol. After, children will begin to plan a balanced argument about whether children should be allowed to eat junk food.


In music, we will be continuing to learn the songs for our end of year production.


In French, children will continue to work on their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster). 


We will also be continuing to rehearse our end of year production!



Class Teacher Awards – 25.06.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Princess and Eidanas

Sycamore: Imogen B and Millie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 25.06.21


You should have now received information about what your child should wear for our end of year production. Please do not feel pressure to buy a whole new outfit and please speak to us if you have any questions. These costumes need to be in school by latest Wednesday 7th July, ready for our dress rehearsal. Thank you!


The next couple of weeks in PSHE will involve discussing physical changes through puberty. We will also be discussing positive relationships with others, along with self-confidence and body image. You may feel that this is a subject you would like to discuss with your child beforehand as they may come home with questions following these sessions. We try not to make these sessions to intense or serious so that children feel as comfortable as possible. They will also be separated into same sex groups.



As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, we are taking part in a friendly competition involving schools from Greater London from Monday 28th June to Friday 2nd July. It’s all done online via 

For every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, your child will earn their class a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours). Winning classes in the school and in the competition will be the ones with the highest average.  There will be prizes and certificates. 

All game modes (Gig, Garage, Studio, etc.) will count but only from games played between 07:00 and 19:00 on Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th, Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd. 

In the spirit of the competition, please don’t play on their behalf but by all means encourage and support them to the extent that it doesn’t cause high stress levels or impact on family plans. We suggest a limit of half an hour a day outside school hours – some will play more; some will play less. 

Thanks for your support as always.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 14.06.21


In topic, we have been learning about the circulatory system. First, we focussed on the parts of the heart and labelled the four chambers, along with some major veins and arteries. We then learnt about the parts of the circulatory system and their functions: blood, blood vessels and the heart. In the gallery section, you will be able to see some of our posters that we made to demonstrate our understanding of the heart and the circulatory system. Towards the end of the week, we then learnt about the importance of nutrients and how water and nutrients are transported around the body through absorption in the small intestine.


This week in music, we continued to learn the songs for our end of year production!

Bonjour!  This week, Year 6 continued rewriting and illustrating their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They had a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 21.06.21


Next week in topic, we will be learning about how different microorganisms are classified: bacteria, viruses and fungi. We will also look at the findings to our mould experiment! In art, we will be making clay sculptures of the heart, making sure we practise different techniques first.


In music, we will be continuing to learn the songs for our end of year production.


In French, children will continue to work on their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster). 


We will also be continuing to rehearse our end of year production!



Class Teacher Awards – 18.06.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Kanishkan and Ella

Sycamore: All of Sycamore Class!


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 18.06.21


The next couple of weeks in PSHE will involve discussing physical changes through puberty. We will also be discussing positive relationships with others, along with self-confidence and body image. You may feel that this is a subject you would like to discuss with your child beforehand as they may come home with questions following these sessions. We try not to make these sessions to intense or serious so that children feel as comfortable as possible. They will also be separated into same sex groups.



As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, we are taking part in a friendly competition involving schools from Greater London from Monday 28th June to Friday 2nd July. It’s all done online via 

For every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, your child will earn their class a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours). Winning classes in the school and in the competition will be the ones with the highest average.  There will be prizes and certificates. 

All game modes (Gig, Garage, Studio, etc.) will count but only from games played between 07:00 and 19:00 on Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th, Wednesday 30th, Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd. 

In the spirit of the competition, please don’t play on their behalf but by all means encourage and support them to the extent that it doesn’t cause high stress levels or impact on family plans. We suggest a limit of half an hour a day outside school hours – some will play more; some will play less. 

Thanks for your support as always.



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 07.06.21


This week, children had their final set of assessments. We have been really impressed with the fantastic progress they have all made and they should be SO proud of themselves! 😊


In topic, we began our ‘Body Works’ topic and started by thinking about what we know about the body and what we would like to find out. We took part in a series of activities to get us ‘hooked in’, including a taste test, exercise to measure our heart rate and we also set up our experiment to test the best environment for microorganisms to grow, which we will come back to later in the term. On Friday, we discussed different organs in the body and their functions. Children drew around their bodies and had a go at labelling all the body parts they knew, including muscles and organs, and then added to it as the lesson went on. You can see pictures of this in the gallery section!


This week in music, we continued to learn the songs for our end of year production!

Bonjour!  This week, Year 6 continued rewriting and illustrating their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They had a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 14.06.21



Next week in topic, we will be learning about the parts of the circulatory system and what its function is. Children will also learn about how water and nutrients are transported around the body.


We will also be continuing to rehearse our end of year production!



Class Teacher Awards – 11.06.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: All of Willow Class!

Sycamore: Benson and Lidia


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 11.06.21


The next couple of weeks in PSHE will involve discussing physical changes through puberty and how we change from contraception to adulthood. We will also be discussing positive relationships with others, along with self-confidence and body image. You may feel that this is a subject you would like to discuss with your child beforehand as they may come home with questions following these sessions. We try not to make these sessions to intense or serious so that children feel as comfortable as possible. They will also be separated into same sex groups.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 24.05.21


This week in topic we have been writing poems about our Maya topic. Some of these were amazing! We tried to include lots of adventurous vocabulary, personification, similes, metaphors and alliteration. In art, children explored a range of Maya artwork and then focussed on the themes presented in murals. Children then used this as inspiration to create their own Maya mural using paints. You can see some of these in the gallery section.


In maths this week, we learnt how to read and interpret pie charts. We also recapped how to read and write roman numerals up to 10,000 and how to draw and measure angles in degrees. Lastly, we found the area and perimeter of shapes, including compound ones, where the shape needs to be split into multiple rectangles.


This week in music, we continued to learn the songs for our end of year production!

Bonjour!  This week, Year 6 continued rewriting and illustrating their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They had a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


First Week Back’s Learning – wb 07.06.21


During our first week back, we will be holding our final set of assessments. These are not to worry about; we have been revising lots and the children have all been doing great!


Next term in topic, our topic is ‘Body Works’ where children will be learning about all the different systems in our body, how to keep ourselves healthy and microorganism growth. During the first week, we will have our ‘hook’ day into the topic, where children will take part in a few experiments about the body. We will then begin to look at the parts of the body, mainly focussing on our organs and the jobs they do.  


We will also begin to rehearse our end of year production!



Class Teacher Awards – 28.05.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Archie and Laraib

Sycamore: Sophie and Elsie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 28.05.21


We have made it to half term! We hope you all have a lovely, well deserved break and look forward to seeing children back in school on Tuesday 8th June.  


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 17.05.21


This week in D&T, we made Maya masks! We picked to make either a celebration, death or battle mask based on what we learnt last week. Children designed their mask and then made it using papier-mache and, once it was dry, they painted them. You can see some of the end results in the gallery section.


In maths this week, we have been learning about different graphs: line and block graphs. Children learnt how to read the data presented and then ask and answer questions about the information. We also looked at the properties of a circle and children were tasked to find the radius when given the diameter and vise-versa. On Friday, we looked at how to calculate the mean as an average.


This week in music, we got busy learning the songs for our end of year production!

Bonjour!  This week, Year 6 chose a partner to work with to rewrite and illustrate their own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  They had a writing frame and vocabulary banks to help them.  We will continue to work on these for the next few sessions.  It will be useful when they are reading to the Year 2 children if they are familiar with the original story to help with fluency:


Next Week’s Learning – wb 24.05.21


Next week in topic, we will be writing poetry about the Maya civilisation. In art, we will be looking at a range of Maya art and then focus on the themes presented in Maya murals. Children will then use this as inspiration to create their own mural with paints.


In maths, we are going to be having a revision week to prepare us for our final assessments after half term. We will be recapping graphs, area and perimeter, roman numerals and angles.


In music, we will be continuing to learn songs for our end of year production.


In French next week, we will continue to rewrite and illustrate our own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).



Class Teacher Awards – 21.05.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Mariam and Wills

Sycamore: Jan and John


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 21.05.21


Next Friday 28th May is class photo day. Please send children into school in their finest uniform and photo ready! Children will not need to come to school dressed in PE kit this day.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 10.05.21


This week in topic we have been learning about Maya masks. We began by looking at different types of Maya masks (battle, event and death) and learning about what they were made of, why they were used and what they looked like. Children then wrote explanation texts to explain what the purpose of these masks were, along with their appearance and how they were made.


In maths this week, we have been learning about ratio (e.g. pink marbles to green marbles is 3:2). We solved problems with relative sizes of two amounts and used scale factors to work out the sizes of shapes. Towards the end of the week, we solved a range of problems involving ratio in context.

Bonjour!  This week we have been writing descriptions of monsters using numbers, body parts and colours.  Our talk partners had to guess which monster they were describing.  We will be starting to write our own versions of the Monster story next week.  It would help with the sequencing of the story to look at this reading of the story again:



Next Week’s Learning – wb 17.05.21


Next week in topic, we will be making Maya masks! We will start by exploring a range of masks and discussing our responses to them before designing and making our own using papier-Mache.


In maths, we are going to be learning about statistics. Children will read and interpret a range of graphs and then solve problems about these graphs. We will also be naming parts of a circle and finding the diameter and circumference, along with finding the average from a set of data.


In music, we will be beginning to look at learning some songs for our end of year production – we are keeping this a secret for now!


In French next week, we will be rewriting and illustrating our own versions of “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).



Class Teacher Awards – 14.05.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Holly and Lily

Sycamore: Ella and David


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 14.05.21


We have some amazing news! As you may know, a couple of weeks ago, Rushy Meadow took part in the ‘Big Pedal’ competition, seeing how many children could bike, walk or scoot to school rather than taking the car.

We are delighted to announce that out of all the schools in London, we came second place! Nationally, out of over 1000 schools, we placed 13th!


Big well done to everyone who helped to contribute to this amazing achievement!



Congratulations to the following children who won the WOW poster competition; it was judged by Mrs Schalkwyk:


In EYFS we have Gessica for creating a fabulous Walk to School Week poster. I loved your design particularly how you drew the rainbow and the people with big smiley faces.

 In KS1 we have Wen for creating a fabulous Walk to School Week poster. I loved your design particularly how you drew the traffic lights and the road.

In Lower KS2 we have Sofia for creating a fabulous Walk to School Week poster. I loved your design particularly how you drew the zebra crossing and the people using different ways to walk to school.

In Upper KS2 we have Lacey-Rae for creating a fabulous Walk to School Week poster. I loved your design particularly how you drew the different ways to walk to school and the way you used bright colours and glitter to draw the observers eye to the poster.

The following children were runners up in the WOW poster competition.

In EYFS we have Ayo for creating a fabulous Walk to School Week poster. I loved your design particularly how you drew the people walking to school and explained how it is good for you.

 In KS1 we have Billy for creating a fabulous Walk to School Week poster. I loved your design particularly how you drew the people walking and cycling to school.

In Lower KS2 we have Nicole for creating a fabulous Walk to School Week poster. I loved your design particularly how you drew and explained the different ways you can travel to school.

In Upper KS2 we have Megan for creating a fabulous Walk to School Week poster. I loved your design particularly how you used colour and speech bubbles to explain how walking to school can help you.

Look for the fabulous posters on the school gates, twitter and the school website.


Next week is ‘Walk to School Week’ 2021. Please try to walk, scoot or bike as much as you can!


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 03.05.21


This week in topic we have been doing D&T – making our fajitas! We used our evaluation of existing food products from last week to create our design, thinking about the purpose and audience of our product, as well as taste, textures and aesthetic qualities.  We absolutely loved making them and for some of us, it was our first time cooking on a hob which was very exciting! Lastly, we evaluated our product against our design criteria, thinking about what went well and what we would change if we were to make this product again. You can see lots of photos of us making our fajitas on the gallery section.


In maths this week, we continued with algebra. We described patterns in number sentences, found rules for patterns and then created and solved a range of algebraic expressions. We also found solutions for equations where there were two unknowns, e.g. 5a + b = 120. 


Bonjour!  This week in French we began to describe a monster’s appearance orally using numbers and colours.  You can practice colours by going to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 5/6, languages, French and then scrolling down to the labelling colours worksheet. 


Next Week’s Learning – wb 10.05.21


Next week in topic, we will be starting to learn about Ancient Maya masks and their importance and uses in Maya society. Children will use what they learn to write an explanation text explaining their uses and how they are made. We will focus on death masks, battle masks and event masks.


In maths, we are moving onto our ratio and proportion topic. This will include solving problems in real life contexts.


In music, we will be beginning to look at learning some songs for our end of year production – we are keeping this a secret for now!


In French next week we will learn how to write colour adjectives with masculine, feminine and plural nouns.



Class Teacher Awards – 07.05.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Varshini and Dan

Sycamore: Alfie S and Angelo


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 07.05.21


As ever, if you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:














This Week’s Learning – wb 26.04.21


This week in topic we have been writing our Maya myths using our plans and vocabulary we collected last week. We focussed on ensuring we had a range of great vocabulary and that we included dialogue for direct speech. In partners, we then edited them. Excitingly, next week we will be making fajitas! We began this week by evaluating and researching existing fajita recipes so we knew what we needed to include in our own designs next week. You can read some extracts of these in the gallery section by enlarging the pictures by clicking on them.


In maths this week, we started our algebra topic. It is not as scary as we first thought! We described patterns in number sentences, found rules for patterns and then created and solved a range of algebraic expressions, e.g. 5a + 37 = 107.  


Bonjour!  This week in French, Year 6 listened again to “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  The children  are beginning to join in with retelling the story.  We had a lot of fun drawing around each other and labelling body parts. You can practice body parts by going to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 5/6, languages, French and then scrolling down to the labelling body parts worksheet.  Or you could listen to this song:



Next Week’s Learning – wb 03.05.21


Next week in topic, we will be making our fajitas! Children will design their product, thinking about their audience, purpose and success criteria and will label a design in their process diaries. We will then make, taste (the best part) and evaluate our finished fajitas! Stay tuned for lots of pictures!


In maths, we are continuing with algebra and will be solving algebraic expressions and finding pairs of numbers that suit an equation where there are two unknown values.


In music, we will be beginning to look at learning some songs for our end of year production – we are keeping this a secret for now!


In French next week, we will be revising colours and numbers to help us write our own versions of the story.



Class Teacher Awards – 30.04.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Cameron and Grace

Sycamore: Anna and Benson


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 30.04.21


We hope you all enjoy your bank holiday on Monday! ☺


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 19.04.21


This week in topic we learnt about Maya religious beliefs and about the Gods they worshipped. We were shocked to learn about the sacrifices the Maya people would make to please the Gods! We then watched some videos of Maya myths and read a story to help us plan our own Maya myth in a story map style.


In maths this week, we have been looking over our assessments and correcting our mistakes, working independently first, then in partners and as a whole class. It has been a great exercise to help us spot our mistakes!


In music this week, we watched a range of clips about musical theatre and began to identify the features of them, including what kind of production it was, what the setting for the songs were and whether the songs were easy or hard to follow.


Bonjour!  In French this week, we have started a new topic.  We read the story “Vat'en grand monstre vert” (Go away big green monster).  It’s a storybook for very young children.  The year 6 children will be learning all the vocabulary they need to write their own version of the story.  After half term,  I am hoping that the Year 6 children will be able to visit Year 2 and read them their stories to show off all their French knowledge to the Year 2’s who will be beginning to learn French next year.  In this week’s lesson, we were introduced to the story and then learned how to say different body parts in French.  Your child can listen to the story again at:



Next Week’s Learning – wb 26.04.21


Next week in topic, we will use our plans to help us write our own Maya myth before editing and improving them. After, we will be moving onto D&T, where we will be researching a variety of Mexican foods and evaluating existing products to help us create a success criteria for our own food product which we will be making the week after.


In maths, we are moving onto our algebra topic. Children will be learning about how to generate and describe number sequences, how to solve algebraic expressions and express their own missing number problems algebraically.


In music, we will be continuing to identify features of musical theatre, thinking about instruments they can hear and comparing the different performances.


In French next week, we will continue to practice body parts.



Class Teacher Awards – 23.04.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Richard and Millie-Mae

Sycamore: Emily and Imogen G


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 23.04.21


I am delighted to inform you that over the Easter holidays we have installed 20 bicycle storage hoops up on the top of the grass area by the existing covered bicycle storage just through the KS2 gate. This was possible due to receiving £500 pounds funding from TFL to promote cycling to school.



If your child wishes to cycle to school, then they may park their bicycle in this area only, no bicycles are to be taken down to classrooms. Please ensure your child wears a cycle helmet and has a lock to secure their bike whilst on school premises, as the school accepts no liability for loss or damage to personal property brought onto school property.


Thank you.

Mrs Green, School Travel Lead.


Sutton College Family Learning Courses


Sutton College are running some summer family learning courses, including basic first aid, dance, arts and crafts and much more! Click the link above if you are interested in booking onto a course before they sell out!














Dear Parents/Carers,

Get set… we’re taking part in Sustrans Big Pedal 2021, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 19 April to 30 April. It’s free and we would love everyone to be involved.


What do you need to do?


Encourage your child(ren) to take active journeys to school on as many days as possible during the event, and join them on their way.


Or, if your child(ren) are learning from home, take active journeys from home with them or encourage them to do physical activity on as many days as possible instead.


Tell us what you’ve done at home


If your child(ren) are taking part in Sustrans Big Pedal from home, you can let their teacher know if they have been on an active journey or completed a physical activity daily by class email.


Please use this communication channel to let us know if other family members (including parents and siblings not at the school) have joined in as supporter activity counts in the competition too.


Why we are taking part


Sustrans Big Pedal is a great way to get children active, which is important for physical health and mental wellbeing.


Active school runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate.

Covid-19 has made active travel to school is even more important. The Department for Education have said encouraging active travel to school helps “to enable pupils to be physically active while encouraging physical distancing.”


Plus there are some great prizes to be won every day if we get enough children taking part!


Cycle, walk, scoot and snap to win family prizes


You and your family can also win prizes during Sustrans Big Pedal. Simply post a photo of you and your child(ren) cycling, walking, wheeling or scooting to school on social media during the challenge using #BigPedalWin.


To be in with a chance of winning, you’ll need to follow Sustrans on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook


Be sure to check the terms and conditions found on the Big Pedal website prior to entering the competition.


The Big Pedal is For Everyone


We want to make sure that everyone can get involved Sustrans Big Pedal.


We know there may be things which make it more difficult for some pupils to take part than others. For example, some children may have different mobility needs or limited computer access for telling us about activity done at home. This should not stand in the way of your child(ren) taking part.


If you want to discuss more about your child(ren)’s specific needs, please contact Mrs Green and we will make sure that there is a way for your child to take part.


Useful resources


To help you prepare, Sustrans has developed a handy free guide packed with advice, games and challenges to help you have hassle-free cycle, walk or scoot to school. 


Download your free family guide using this link:


Please use the below link for tips on staying safe on the school run during lockdown:


For more information about the event go to Enjoy the challenge!

Best wishes


Mrs Green

School travel coordinator











This Week’s Learning – wb 29.03.21


This week in topic we used our plans to write our letters pretending we were Frederick Catherwood, writing to Darwin to tell him about our experiences and discoveries.


In maths this week, we revised the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and how to find the area and perimeter of compound shapes.


In music this week, we listened to recorded music in lots of different styles and thought analytically about what we could hear in the music and used musical vocabulary to give opinions on the music.


First Week Back – wb 19.04.21


During the first week back, we will be doing a few quizzes to see where children are at and identify what the gaps in learning to fill are during the summer term. These are nothing to worry about and you do not need to do anything extra with your child ☺


In topic, we will be continuing with our Mystical Maya topic and will be learning about the religious beliefs of the Maya people. Children will then look at a range of Maya myths before planning their own version.


Parent/Carer Information - 31.03.21


HAPPY EASTER! We hope you all have a lovely break – the children really deserve it after how well they have settled back into the school routine after another lockdown! We are so proud of them. We look forward to seeing them back on Monday 19th April.



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:











This Week’s Learning – wb 22.03.21


This week in topic we used our plans to write our diaries pretending we were Frederick Catherwood, writing about the Maya ruins we had discovered. We then moved on to looking at the features of a letter and planned our letters to Darwin to tell him about our experiences and discoveries.


In maths this week, we finished our shape and position topic and learnt how to translate and reflect shapes. We have then been doing a bit of revision and recapping how to add and subtract decimals, multiply decimals by a whole number and how to find percentages of an amount.


In music this week, we used technology to compose syncopated rhythms. We used Chrome Music Lab on the Winbooks to create off-beat rhythms using different types of percussion.


In French, children used their research from last week to present their findings to the class about a famous French person.



Next Week's Learning – wb 29.03.21


In topic, we will be using our plans to write our letters pretending we are Frederick Catherwood writing to our explorer friend Darwin. We will then work in partners to edit our work and improve it.


In maths, we are continuing with a bit of revision and will be recapping the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and finding the area and perimeter of 2D shapes.


In music next week, we will be listening to recorded music in lots of different styles. We will think analytically about what we can hear in the music and use musical vocabulary to give opinions on the music.




Class Teacher Awards – 26.03.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Daniel and Wiktor

Sycamore: Alex and Jessica


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 26.03.21


Please don’t forget that parent consultations take place on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th March.


Online Music Production course for Years 5&6


During the second week of the Easter break, Monday 12 April to Friday 16 April, Sutton Music Service will be delivering an Online Music Production course as part of the Easter Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF). 


This course is available without charge to any pupil eligible for Free School Meals. 


If your child is interested in taking part, please register by noon on Thursday 1 April.


Course Details

  • Summary: Music Production course. This course will be delivered via Soundtrap, cloud-based music production software, via Microsoft Teams. All students who enrol will be given a Soundtrap login, meaning that they can continue to compose between sessions.
  • Age range: This is suitable for children in school years 5 - 11 ( 10 -16-year-olds). 
  • When: Available online Monday 12 April - Friday 16 April, 10 -12 pm.

For more details about the Easter HAFs programme, please visit:,2021%2C%20during%20the%20school%20holidays.&text=The%20first%20week%20of%20the,school%20holidays%20(dates%20tbc).


For parents and carers wishing to enrol their child, please visit: 



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:











This Week’s Learning – wb 15.03.21


This week in used our plans from last week to write our persuasive reports to convince people to visit Mexico. You can see some of these in the gallery section. We then learnt about the work of Frederick Catherwood, a British artist who discovered and drew Maya ruins. We identified the features of a diary and then planned a diary pretending we were Frederick Catherwood and the discoveries we have made.


In maths this week, we finished our angles topic by finding missing angles in a range of polygons and missing angles around a point and on a line. We then used polytron to identify 3D shapes based on their nets and had a go at making our own cuboids. You can see some pictures of these in the gallery section. Towards the end of the week, we began to look at coordinates: describing positions of shapes and reflecting a shape in the axes of a coordinate grid.


In music this week, we learnt to create a tune using our syncopated rhythms from last week. We used keyboards and glockenspiels to compose a tune with one or more of the rhythms and then shared rhythms with a partner.


In French, children chose a famous person to research and recorded facts they found out. 



Next Week's Learning – wb 22.03.21


In topic, we will be using our plans to write our diaries pretending we are Frederick Catherwood discovering the Maya ruins. We will then be learning how to write a letter in preparation for the week after.


In maths, we are continuing with coordinates and will be translating shapes. We are then going to be recapping adding and subtracting decimals, multiplying them by a whole number and how to find percentages of an amount.


In music next week, we will be using technology to compose syncopated rhythms. We will use Chrome Music Lab on the Winbooks to create off-beat rhythms using different types of percussion.


In French next week, children will use their research about a famous French person from this week to present their findings to the class.




Class Teacher Awards – 19.03.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Honey and Hollie W

Sycamore: Connor and Banaz


We also had some winners for our Times Table Rock Stars competition this week!



1st Place: Wiktor

2nd Place: Mariam

3rd Place: Holly



1st Place: Shayaan

2nd Place: Benson

3rd Place: Sofia


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 19.03.21


Please don’t forget to sign up for a phone call appointment for parents evening through Arbor. These parent calls will be held on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th March.



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 08.03.21


This week in topic we have been focussing on Mexico itself (where the Maya used to live). We watched some videos and conducted some research to see how the Maya have influenced tourism in Mexico and then used this to plan our own persuasive reports to persuade people to visit Mexico. We identified the features of persuasive reports before completing our own plans.


In maths this week, we recapped the properties of 3D shapes through investigation. We also started our angles topic and begun by learning about the different types of angles and how to measure and draw angles through a practical activity on our tables. You can see pictures of this in the gallery section. We then found missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals (four sided shapes).


In music this term we will be learning about syncopation. We will start by identifying what a syncopated (off-beat) rhythm is and how to clap it whilst keeping a beat with our feet. We will learn three different rhythms to layer together, one group on each rhythm.


In French, we learnt about famous French people’s characteristics using a range of adjectives in French.



Next Week's Learning – wb 15.03.21


In topic, we will be using our plans to help us write our persuasive reports to convince people to visit Mexico. We will then work in pairs to edit and improve our work. Our next piece of writing is a diary: we will be exploring the work of Frederick Catherwood, a painter of Maya ruins, identifying the features of diaries and planning our own diaries as if we were him.


In maths, we will be finding missing angles in a range of polygons and angles around a point. Children will also be identifying 3D shapes from their nets. After, we are moving onto our co-ordinates topic.


In music next week, we will be learning to create a tune using our syncopated rhythms from this week. We will use keyboards and glockenspiels to compose a tune with one or more of the rhythms and then share rhythms with a partner.


In French next week, children will be writing character descriptions about a famous French person using their research from this week.




Class Teacher Awards – 12.03.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Princess and Alvin

Sycamore: Elsie and Jan


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 12.03.21


We have LOVED having all the children back in school this week and have been really impressed with how well they have settled back into school and their work ☺


There are a few activities going on in school next week:


  • Friday 19th March is Red Nose Day. Children can wear their red noses in exchange for brining in £1 for comic relief – we want to raise as much money as possible!
  • Monday 15th March – Friday 19th March is skipping week. Children will all be taking part in a skipping challenge during their PE lessons to try to beat the world record time for skipping by combining all our times together.
  • Times Table Rock Stars are also having their own competition to celebrate Red Nose Day. From 9.30am on Friday 12th March – 3pm on Thursday 18th March, there will be a competition to see which class can gain the most points on Times Table Rock Stars! There will also be prizes for the winning children! Comic Relief will donate 5p every time you use your coins to buy a virtual red nose! Let’s help them raise £5000!




If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 01.03.21


Well done for your continued work on Teams and we love seeing your work emailed through to us!


This Week has been Book Week! We have been reading ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan and children have taken part in a range of activities: reading comprehensions, ‘know, think, wonders’, creating their own ‘lost thing’ character and writing a character description for their character. You can see some of this work in the gallery section ☺


In topic, we used our research from last week about Maya life to write non-chronological reports about their jobs, clothes, social structure and writing. We identified the features of non-chronological reports before writing and editing.


In maths this week, we have been learning how to find the area and perimeter of compound shapes – we did this first through a practical activity by creating shapes on the floor. You can see photos of this in the gallery section. We then recapped the properties of 2D shapes and found the volume of cubes and cuboids.


In music this week, children learnt about syncopation.  




Next Week's Learning – wb 08.03.21


This is the week when we finally welcome you all back! We will begin by having our first day back on Monday filled with fun activities and discussions about how we feel about being back – a good time to catch up with our friends!


In topic, we will be researching how the Maya civilisation have impacted tourism in Mexico and  starting to look at the features of persuasive reports (children will later be writing their own report to persuade people to visit Mexico). We will then plan our persuasive reports using this information we gather from research and videos.


In maths, we are recapping the properties of 3D shapes and will be moving onto our angles topic. We will start this topic through a practical approach and then move onto finding angles in a range of problems and contexts. Children will learn about the angles in a triangle and quadrilateral (four sided shape) next week.



Class Teacher Awards – 05.03.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Lewis and Louie

Sycamore: Imogen G and Luke


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 05.03.21



Now that we have reached the end of online learning (!), we want to say a massive thank you for all the hard work helping your children to learnt at home. We know this has been a very challenging time and are both so glad we can finally welcome children back into school on Monday 8th March 2021.


We can’t wait to see all the children again and can imagine they are excited to see all their friends! No more online learning – we did it! ☺


Thank you for your support as always,

Miss Knight and Miss Dowding



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 22.02.21


Well done for your continued work on Teams and we love seeing your work emailed through to us!


In topic, we have started our new topic, ‘The Mystical Maya’. During this topic, we will be learning about where and when this ancient civilisation lived, their religious beliefs, daily life, their artwork and much more! This week, we began by hearing a bit about the Maya people before completing our KW grids to see what we know and what we would like to learn this term. We created timelines to show when the Maya lived throughout history and discussed what was significant about where they lived, linking to landscape and climate. On Friday, we conducted some research to find out about their clothing, jobs, writing and social structure – we will use this information next week.


In maths this week, we learnt how to find the area and perimeter of rectangles, parallelograms and triangles through a range of problems and contexts.


In music this week, children were tasked to try and learn a song using sign language! There was also a challenge to create their own ‘happy’ playlist of songs to listen to when they are feeling down.


In French, we learnt how to give our opinions about different topics.



Next Week's Learning – wb 01.03.21


In topic, we will be using the research we conducted this week to write non-chronological reports about the Maya people. Children will identify the features of non-chronological reports before writing and editing their own.


In maths, we will be finding the area and perimeter of compound shapes, recapping the properties of 2D shapes and calculating, estimating and comparing the volume of cubes and cuboids.


In music, children will be learning about syncopation.




Class Teacher Awards – 26.02.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Cameron and Kanishkan

Sycamore: Alfie T and Evie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 26.02.21


A continued thank you for all your hard work helping your children with their learning at home.


We hope you all had a lovely half term break and have been able to get back into online learning this week. We are SO SO pleased that finally we will be able to welcome children back into school from Monday 8th March 2021. We can’t wait to see all the children again and can imagine they are excited to see all their friends! Please keep an eye out for emails over the next week with arrangements for school reopening. Only one more week of online learning – we can do it! ☺


Thank you for your support as always,

Miss Knight and Miss Dowding



If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 08.02.21


Well done for your continued work on Teams and we love seeing your work emailed through to us!


In topic, we have been writing our adventure stories this week. We planned them and then used these and our language from last week to write an entertaining story about the Galapagos Islands, focussing on using dialogue for characters. As we have now reached the end of our topic ‘Life’s Legacy’ children then completed an independent project of their choice to demonstrate some of the things they have learnt this term.


In maths this week, we have been having a revision week before the half term break. We engaged in practical activities using measure, identified common multiples and factors, added and subtracted fractions and found fractions of amounts. On Friday, we created posters to teach someone else how to solve long division problems as our way of revising this topic.


In music this term, we are focussing on learning about the orchestra. This week, we learnt about the Brass Family.


In French, we recapped seasons and months of the year this week.



First Week Back’s Learning – wb 22.02.21


In topic, we will be beginning our new topic ‘The Mystical Maya’! This is a fantastic topic, and we think children will love learning all about their culture and way of life! We will begin as we begin every new topic, with watching a couple of introductory videos and thinking about what we already know about the topic and what we want to find out. We will then be having our ‘hook day’ where children will be able to choose from a range of activities to get them excited for our topic! Children will then be learning about when this ancient civilisation lived, where they lived and what their culture was like.


In maths, we will be starting our learning on area and perimeter. Children will be finding the area and perimeter of rectangles and the area of triangles and parallelograms during the first week.


In music, children will be learning how to sing the song ‘A Lovely Day’ using sign language. They then have the opportunity to create a happy playlist they can listen to if they are ever feeling down.




Class Teacher Awards – 12.02.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Wills and Ella

Sycamore: Holly and Sophie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 12.02.21


A continued thank you for all your hard work helping your children with their learning at home.


We hope you all have a lovely half term break and can’t wait to speak to the children again when we return on Monday 22nd February (hopefully in the near future we will be able to actually see them again!). 


Please remember to look at the timetable each week, which is posted on MS Teams – this details everything your child should be doing. Please ensure your child is watching the pre-recorded videos and lesson slides we put in Files on Teams before attempting to complete the task.  


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:













This Week’s Learning – wb 01.02.21


Well done for your continued work on Teams and we love seeing your work emailed through to us!


In topic, we started by locating the Galapagos Islands using different maps and compared aerial maps of the Galapagos and London. We then explored the settings found on the islands in more detail and planned our setting descriptions using pictures, focussing on expanded noun phrases and prepositions. We then gathered language using a Descriptosaurus and example setting descriptions before writing our own. You can see some of these amazing pieces of work in the gallery section.


In maths this week, we have been continuing with measure. Children learnt how to convert between miles and km and then solved a range of problems involving different units of measure. Towards the end of the week, we converted between units of time and solve some time word problems.


In music this term, we are focussing on learning about the orchestra. This week, we learnt about the String Family.


In French, we recapped numbers and how to ask questions this week.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 08.02.21


In topic, we will be planning and writing our own Galapagos Island adventure stories! We will plan our stories and then use these, along with our setting descriptions from this week to write our story, focusing on using dialogue between characters. We will then work together to edit and up-level these. To finish off our topic, children will be creating an independent project to show what they have learnt this term. Next term, our topic is ‘The Mystical Maya’!


Next week in maths, we will be having a bit of a revision week. We have fun practical lesson planned for showing our learning about measure and then we will move on to recapping factors and multiples and how to add and subtract fractions. On Friday, we will be revising long division and children are being tasked with creating a poster to help teach others about how to solve long division problems.  


In music, we will be carrying on with our learning about the orchestra; our focus will be on the Brass Family.


In French, children will be revising seasons and the months of the year.



Class Teacher Awards – 05.02.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Eidanas and Archie

Sycamore: Shayaan and Abtin


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 05.02.21


A continued thank you for all your hard work helping your children with their learning at home.


Please remember to look at the timetable each week, which is posted on MS Teams – this details everything your child should be doing. Please ensure your child is watching the pre-recorded videos and lesson slides we put in Files on Teams before attempting to complete the task.  


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:



If any of your children are finding these uncertain times quite worrying, there is a lovely opportunity to help them make a ‘worry box’ to help alleviate some of these stresses and levels of anxiety. Click the link below to find out more!











This Week’s Learning – wb 25.01.21


Well done for your continued work on Teams and we love seeing your work emailed through to us!


In topic, we continued to write our explanation texts before we edited and improved them. We then learnt about how fossils are made and discussed how fossils can help to prove the theory of evolution by looking at some fossils in more detail. We than had an art focus for the rest of the week and created an artist study for M C Escher, a Dutch sketch artist. Children then experimented with different techniques they could use when sketching before sketching their own fossils.


In maths this week, we finished our learning about fractions, decimals and percentages before moving on to measurement. We focussed this week on converting units of measure for length, mass and volume.


In music this term, we are focussing on learning about the orchestra. This week, we learnt about the Woodwind Family.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 01.02.21


In topic, we will be learning about the Galapagos Islands. Children will use different maps to locate these islands and will then focus on using aerial maps to compare an aerial view of the Galapagos Islands and London. Children will then be writing setting descriptions for these islands and creating a character for a story, which we will be writing the week after.


Next week in maths, we will be continuing to convert between different units of measure and will solve a range of problems involving measure. Children will then learn how to solve problems with time.  


In music, we will be carrying on with our learning about the orchestra; our focus will be on the String Family.



Class Teacher Awards – 29.01.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Sophia and Millie

Sycamore: Sofia and Imogen B


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 22.01.21


A continued thank you for all your hard work helping your children with their learning at home.


Please remember to look at the timetable each week, which is posted on MS Teams – this details everything your child should be doing. Please ensure your child is watching the pre-recorded videos and lesson slides we put in Files on Teams before attempting to complete the task.  


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:



Music Opportunity!












Please click the link below to complete our latest parent survey regarding the current home learning provision.


The date for this closes on Thursday 28th January.


Thank you in advance!











This Week’s Learning – wb 18.01.21


Well done for your continued work on Teams and we love seeing your work emailed through to us!


In topic, have had a science focus this week; we began by using keys to classify animals into groups according their characteristics and then looked at the human lifecycle and how humans develop through the years to old age by creating a timeline. We then focused on puberty, which happens during our adolescent stage and the physical changes that occur during this stage in our lives. Children then learnt about how humans have evolved over thousands of years and used this research and learning to plan an explanation text. On Friday, we have begun to write this explanation text explaining how humans have evolved and we will continue this next week.


In maths this week, we learnt how to find missing values of percentages when the percentage is given – tricky one, we know! We then compared percentages of amounts and began to explore the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages.


In music this term, we are focussing on learning about the orchestra. This week, we had an introduction and listened to different clips of music played by an orchestra.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 25.01.21


In topic, we will be continuing to write our explanation texts about human evolution before editing and improving them and uploading to Teams. We will then be learning about fossils and how they can provide us with information from millions of years ago before moving on to an art focus for the rest of the week, where children will be sketching their own fossils.


In maths next week, we will be moving on to measure. Next week will involve converting between measures (e.g. grams to kilograms) and we will be focussing on measures of length, mass and volume.


In music, we will be carrying on with our learning about the orchestra; our focus will be on the Woodwind Family.



Class Teacher Awards – 22.01.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Lily and Wiktor

Sycamore: Connor and John


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 22.01.21


A continued thank you for all your hard work helping your children with their learning at home.


Please remember to look at the timetable each week, which is posted on MS Teams – this details everything your child should be doing. Please ensure your child is watching the pre-recorded videos and lesson slides we put in Files on Teams before attempting to complete the task.  


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:



Mrs Lambert, who is in charge of our wonderful library, has also asked us to share this link with you below about Sutton Library. They have a Facebook page which is kept up to date with what is going on in the libraries. This includes stories being read, rhyme times and there is also going to be a ‘Zoolab’ for Chinese New Year. Check it out below!


 Sutton Libraries London | Facebook











This Week’s Learning – wb 11.01.21


Well done for your continued work on the blog and we love seeing your work emailed through to us!


In topic, we wrote our balanced arguments about selective breeding – there were a lot of great efforts! We then had a science focus for the week, starting with learning about how plants reproduce and how they adapt to their environment in order to survive. Children created wonderful posters to show these adaptations. We then moved on to comparing the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, birds and insects and drew diagrams for each, identifying the similarities and differences between them. Also, we learnt how animals have adapted to survive in their environment and discussed how adaptation can lead to evolution, using Darwin’s finches as an example. You can see photos of our work in topic this week in the gallery section.


In maths this week, we learnt how to divide a decimal by a whole number using the bus stop method and worked out how to convert a fraction into a decimal and vice-versa. We then moved onto our learning about percentages and have been finding percentages of different amounts and quantities. You can also see some of this work in the gallery section.   



Next Week’s Learning – wb 18.01.21


In topic, we will be discussing the work of Carl Linneas and his system of classifying (sorting) organisms into groups based on their characteristics. We will then be describing changes in the human lifecycle, before identifying how humans have evolved over thousands of years. Children will then plan and begin to write an explanation text about human evolution.


In maths next week, we will be continuing with percentages: finding missing values, comparing percentages of amounts and identifying the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages by converting between the three.


In music, we will be starting our unit learning about the orchestra. We will have an introduction to this topic and listen to some different pieces of music.



Class Teacher Awards – 15.01.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Bobbie and Mariam

Sycamore: Jake and Ella


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 15.01.21


We just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to all of those getting on board with the home learning – we know it is not ideal, but we are doing all we can to help support you and your child at home.


Please remember to look at the timetable on the Home Learning section on the blog each week – this details everything your child should be doing. We also post this on MS Teams every Monday morning.


If you have any questions, please contact us by ringing the school or using the class emails:


Lockdown Support Course


If you think you or your child would benefit from a lockdown support course, you can sign up for free (!) using the link below. It is a course which focuses on working with parents to help their children build a character that does not quit when it gets tough, understands not every day is perfect and how to have a positive outlook in every situation. 

Each class is 45 minutes, broken down as follows for complete beginners aged 5-11…


0-20 minutes
Meditation and Mindfulness
Martial Arts Skills
Fitness Workout
Weekly Gratitude


You can sign up here by clicking on the link below:

Lockdown Support Course (













This Week’s Learning – wb 04.01.21


What a strange start to the year it has been! We are impressed with how you have adapted to online learning this week – trust us, we are getting used to it too! Hopefully it all flows smoothly over the next few weeks.


In topic, we have begun our topic, ‘Life’s Legacy’ and completed our KW grids as we do at the start of each term. We also learnt about how organisms produce offspring of the same kind through an activity with Mr Men characters. After, we started to plan our balanced argument about selective breeding, after identifying features of balanced arguments and doing some research.  


In maths this week, we have continued our learning on decimals. We added and subtracted decimals and then multiplied and divided them by whole numbers.  



Next Week’s Learning – wb 11.01.21


In topic, we will be writing our balanced arguments, using our plan and research from last week, before we edit and up-level them. We will then be having a science focus and will be describing the life process of reproduction in some plants and looking at how plants are adapted to suit their environment. We will then be comparing the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds and looking at how animals are adapted to their environment, and how this can lead to evolution.


In maths next week, we will be dividing decimals by whole numbers, converting fractions to decimals and finding the percentage of a quantity. We are also looking at the increase and decrease in amounts when the percentage is known.



Class Teacher Awards – 08.01.21


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Richard and Holly

Sycamore: Benson and Millie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 08.01.21


We just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to all of those getting on board with the home learning – we know it is not ideal, but we are doing all we can to help support you and your child at home.


Please remember to look at the timetable on the Home Learning section on the blog each week – this details everything your child should be doing. We will also be posting this on Teams on a Monday from next week.


If you have any questions, please contact us using the class emails:










This Week’s Learning – wb 14.12.20


In topic, we have had a focus on DT. Children created their own inventions which they then presented to the year group in the style of Dragon’s Den. We then evaluated them using key vocabulary about the structure of our inventions. Children then participated in a debate about whether the internet has had a positive or negative impact on society – it got quite heated!!


In maths this week, we have continued our learning on decimals. We rounded decimals to two decimal places and learnt how to convert fractions to decimals, though investigations and group work.


Music: This week we filmed our Christmas songs for you to watch! You can find these below.



First Week Back’s Learning – wb 04.01.21


Our topic next term is called ‘Life’s Legacy’ and children will be learning all about human evolution, Charles Darwin, the Galapagos Islands, organisms and their offspring and animal adaptations just to name a few! We will begin by thinking about what we already know and what we want to learn and will then have our hook activity and create a booklet of our lives so far. We will then begin to look at organisms and their offspring.


In maths next term, we will continue with our learning about decimals – children will be adding and subtracting decimals and multiplying them by whole numbers up to two-digits.



Parent/Carer Information - 17.12.20


Inset Day – Monday 4th January 2021


Just a reminder that Monday 4th January 2021 is an INSET day and we look forward to welcoming children back on Tuesday 5th January 2021.



Hook Day for our new topic – Life’s Legacy


Children were sent home with a slip of paper this week detailing our hook day for our new topic on Tuesday 5th January (first day back).


We are asking that children:

  • Come into school dressed as what they want to be when they are older
  • Bring in photos of significant moments in their life so far, e.g. birth, weddings, siblings birth, communions etc. (If you are not able to photocopy the photos at home, we can photocopy them in school and then give you back the original.)



Most importantly, we want to wish you a VERY merry Christmas and a happy new year!


 We understand how challenging this year has been and all your children have impressed us so much since September – they deserve a good break and lots of chocolate to celebrate! We can’t wait to see them back again in January ready for a fresh year!


Take care and Merry Christmas!


Miss Knight and Miss Dowding















Year 6 Christmas Song


Click below to watch our Christmas Song 2020 - 'Last Christmas' with a twist!


Staff Christmas Song


You can also click on the video underneath the Year 6 one to watch the staff Christmas song!

Year 6 Christmas song

I wish it could be Christmas every day

This Week’s Learning – wb 07.12.20


This week, we have been having our autumn term assessments. Children have done exceedingly well and we are SO proud of all the progress they have made since September!


In topic we have had a focus on Science, and in particular, light. We began by recapping our learning from Year 3 about what a light source is and then learnt about how light is reflected and how light enters our eyes through investigations and drawing diagrams. Children then conducted their own investigation to prove how shadows are formed and test what happens to the shape and size of the shadow they formed. You can see some pictures of this in our gallery section.


In maths this week, we have begun our learning on decimals. We read and wrote decimals up to thousandths and children were able to find the value of each of the digits. We then compared and ordered decimals using less than, greater than and equal to.


Music: This week we have been practising our Christmas song which will be up on the blog next week!


French: Bonjour! This week we began to write our commentaries for our fashion show that we are having next week.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 14.12.20


Our topic next week has a focus on DT and children will be working in groups to design and create their own invention with the purpose of solving a problem. We will then be participating in a debate to argue whether the internet has had a positive or negative effect on society.   


In maths next week, we will be rounding decimals to two decimal places and beginning to convert between fractions and decimals.


In music next week, we will be recording our Christmas song which will be posted on the blog later in the week for you to watch!



Class Teacher Awards – 11.12.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Bobbie and Grace

Sycamore: Luke and Anna


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 11.12.20


Christmas Parties – Thursday 17th December 2020


Just a reminder that next Thursday 17th December will be the class Christmas parties. Children can come to school dressed in their own party clothes for the day. Please ensure they are wearing sensible footwear. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, we ask that no food is brought in for these parties.

Thank you!


Inset Day – Friday 18th December 2020


Just a reminder that next Friday 18th December is now an INSET day and will replace the INSET day on 12th March 2021.


Have a lovely weekend!











This Week’s Learning – wb 30.11.20


This week in topic we have been writing character descriptions for Matilda, a character from our class novel ‘The Matilda Effect’. Children’s targets were expended noun phrases to describe and prepositions to give extra detail; many of them also managed to include semi-colons! We then begun our learning about light by reading about the invention and creating posters in groups.


In maths this week, we have been continuing with fractions and have learnt how to find fractions of amounts (e.g. ¼ of 240 = ?). After, we worked back to find the whole amount when given the fraction of the total and solved different problems involving fractions on a number line and fractions in sequences.  


Music: This week we have been having a go at playing a piece of music together on the keyboards using our knowledge of musical notation.


French: Bonjour! This week we have been looking at how to describe the clothes using colour adjectives in French.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 07.12.20


Our topic next week has a focus on science and light in particular. We will start by recapping what we already know about light from previous years, including sources of light. We will then learn about how light is reflected, how light enters our eyes, how light travels in straight lines and completing an investigation to see how shadows are formed, focussing on their shape.   


In maths next week, we will be starting our learning about decimals. Children will learn how to read and write decimals to thousandths and compare and order decimals using less than and greater than.



Class Teacher Awards – 04.12.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Daniel and Honey

Sycamore: Imogen B and David


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 04.12.20


Christmas Cards


Children are welcome to bring in Christmas cards for their friends, but please make sure that they are clearly labelled and only to people within their bubble. The cards will be in a quarantine box until the last week of term.











This Week’s Learning – wb 23.11.20


This week in topic we have been learning about the invention of the television. Children learnt about how the television has changed over time and created a story board timeline to show this. They then identified the features of newspaper reports and used these features to plan and write their own newspaper report about the release of the television. Our focus was on using relative clauses and punctuation for direct speech.


In maths this week, we have been continuing with fractions and have learnt how to multiply a fraction by another fraction by multiplying the numerator and denominator. We then learnt how to multiply and divide fractions by a whole number. You can see some photos of this work in the gallery section.  


Music: This week we have revisited notation names and note names and tried to read simple tunes accurately on tuned instruments. We also continued learning our song for Christmas which we started last week.


French: Bonjour! This week we have been saying what he or she is wearing.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 30.11.20


In topic, we will be writing character descriptions based on Matilda from our class novel ‘The Matilda Effect’ by Ellie Irving. We will begin by collecting vocabulary appropriate for Matilda in groups, and then use this to plan and write our own character descriptions which focus on appearance, personality, feelings and her interests. We will then begin to look at the invention of the light bulb.


In maths next week, we will be continuing with fractions, but will be moving onto finding fractions of amounts, finding whole amounts when given the fraction and begin to look at number sequences involving fractions.


In music next week, we will be having a go at playing a piece of music together on the keyboards using our knowledge of musical notation.


In French next week, we will begin to look at how to describe the clothes using colour adjectives in French.  Use this video to revise counting from 1-20 in French:  



Class Teacher Awards – 27.11.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Kanishkan and Richard

Sycamore: Sofia and Jess


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 27.11.20


On Monday in RE, we will be continuing with our discussion about loss, but this time, it is more of a focus on what children would like to be remembered for and the legacy they want to leave. If you think this could be a sensitive topic for your child, please speak to them before Monday to prepare them for what may be a difficult subject. We are more than happy to talk to any children individually if this is something they would prefer.


Just a reminder that we also have a Mufti Day next week on Friday 4th December to help fundraise to support music opportunities throughout school. The theme for this is black and white to represent keys on a piano board. In exchange for wearing black and white clothes, we are asking that children bring in a donation of up to £1 please.  











This Week’s Learning – wb 16.11.20


This week in topic we have been learning about the invention of the telephone. First, children created a timeline with key dates to show how the telephone has changed over the years and the impact it has had upon Britain today. They then got the chance to design their own futuristic mobile phone! Their writing focus this week was to create an advertisement to persuade people to buy the phone they had created – children had the targets of ensuring their grammar and vocabulary was suited to the formality and purpose of a persuasive advert. Children identified the features of adverts, planned and then created them. They ended up looking amazing! You can see some of these in the gallery section.


In maths this week, we have been continuing with fractions and have learnt how to add and subtract fractions. We started by adding and subtracting ones that have the same denominator and then moved to ones with different denominators and mixed fractions. On Friday, we engaged in some problem solving in groups. 


Music: This week we learnt some note names and recognised what they look like on a musical stave. We then started to read the music and play what we see on keyboards and glockenspiels.


French: Bonjour!  This week we have been learning how to say a wider variety of clothing in French and building a word bank to use in our fashion show.    



Next Week’s Learning – wb 23.11.20


In topic, we will be learning about the history of the television and the impact it has had upon Britain. We will be watching video clips and reading through a range of sources to see how they have changed over time. Children will then be writing newspaper reports about the invention of the television.


In maths next week, we will be continuing with fractions, but will be moving onto multiplying fractions and multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers.


In music next week, we will be learning some note names and recognising what they look like on a musical stave. We will start to read the music and play what we see on keyboards and glockenspiels.


In French next week, we will be putting our built-up vocabulary into a sentence to say what he or she is wearing.  You could practice numbers at home by playing some of these games:



Class Teacher Awards – 20.11.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Eidanas and Hollie

Sycamore: Imogen G and Banaz


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 20.11.20


Next week in RE, to continue with our journey of life topic, we will be discussing loss and the emotions that may arise as a result of losing someone. If you think this could be a sensitive topic for your child, please speak to them before Monday to prepare them for what may be a difficult subject. We are more than happy to talk to any children individually if this is something they would prefer.


We also have re-subscribed to Times Table Rock Stars. Please encourage your children to log on and use it as much as possible! Their log ins will be the same logins as before, but if your children cannot remember, please email the class teacher using the class emails.











This Week’s Learning – wb 09.10.20


This week in topic we have been writing biographies about the inventors we researched last week. Children identified the features of what makes a great biography and then used their research to plan and write their own. We then worked in partners to edit and improve our work.


In maths this week, we started our work on fractions. To begin with, we have been focussing on simplifying fractions using our knowledge of common factors. Children then used what they know about common multiples to compare and order fractions. You can see some of our fractions work in the gallery section on our year group page.


Music: This term we will be learning to layer rhythms together on different instruments to play a class composition. To start with we will focus on understanding the notation we are using and reading rhythms accurately.


French: Bonjour!  This half term, we will be learning about clothes and will be putting on a class fashion show at the end of term.  This week we have learnt the names of some clothing items in French.  We will also continue to practice numbers from 1-30.  You could help at home using this video:



Next Week’s Learning – wb 16.11.20


In topic, we will be learning about the history of the telephone by watching a clip about the inventor of the telephone – Alexander Graham Bell – and then showing how the telephone has evolved over the years on a timeline. Children will then be designing their own phone and creating/writing advertisements to persuade people to buy them.


In maths next week, we will continuing with fractions and will be learning how to add and subtract fractions when the denominators are the same, and when they are different.


In music next week, we will be learning some note names and recognising what they look like on a musical stave. We will start to read the music and play what we see on keyboards and glockenspiels.



Class Teacher Awards – 13.11.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Louie and Millie

Sycamore: Anna and Holly


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Information - 13.11.20


Anti-Bullying Week


Next Week (wb 16.11.20) is Anti-Bullying Week and The theme this year is United Against Bullying’. At Rushy Meadow, we will be thinking about how we create a safe environment for everyone. 

As part of anti-bullying week, we would like children to come into school on Monday 16th November wearing odd socks to help celebrate individuality and what makes us unique!





Just a reminder that we are a nut free school due to having staff members and pupils with severe nut allergies. Please do not give your child any food or products containing nuts as these allergies are also air borne, not just when consumed. 

If you are sending in sweets for a birthday, please ensure these are individually wrapped and do not contain nuts. 












This Week’s Learning – wb 02.10.20


This week in topic we have begun our topic: Brilliant British Inventions. We started by discussing what we would be learning this term, which includes: different British inventors and their inventions, the history of the telephone and television and all about light in science. Children discussed what they already know about these things and what they want to find out and filled in their KWL sheets. For our hook activity, we got into groups and had to create our own marble run using outdoor equipment. You can see picture in our gallery section. We then located where some British inventors were born on a map of the UK using atlases and chose an inventor to research and present information to the class about.


In maths, we had a quick recap of long division and then learnt how to solve problems with mixed operations using BODMAS. On Friday, we solved a range of problems involving the four operations. You can see examples of this week’s work in our gallery section.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 09.11.20


In topic, we will be using the information we have researched about British inventors from this week to write a biography about our chosen inventor. We will be focussing on our use of cohesive devices and commas for clarity.


In maths next week, we will be moving onto fractions. We will start by finding equivalent fractions before simplifying them. After, we will be learning how to compare and order fractions.


In music this term, we will be learning to layer rhythms together on different instruments to play a class composition. To start with we will focus on understanding the notation we are using and reading rhythms accurately.



Class Teacher Awards – 06.11.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Sophia and Wills

Sycamore: Jake and Angelo


Well done to you all!











This Week’s Learning – wb 19.10.20


This week in topic we have been learning about space. This is a Year 5 Science objective, but, due to the school closures last year, children missed this learning – they have absolutely loved it! We began by discussing the evidence for a flat Earth vs a spherical Earth and children make their own judgements based on the evidence. We then moved on to naming the planets in the solar system and describing their movement around the sun using keywords such as ‘orbit’ and ‘rotate’. Children were then tasked with investigating how they could show this planetary movement using a practical model, which you can see pictures of in our gallery section. We also learnt about the movement of the moon around the sun and how day and night occurs according to how the Earth is moving around the sun. Finally, we discussed significant events throughout space history and ordered these in chronological order on a timeline.


In maths, we have been solving problems using multiplication and division, using our learning from the last couple of weeks. We then moved on to identifying factors and common factors between numbers and common multiples between numbers.  Children then learnt about prime, square and cubed numbers.



First Week Back’s Learning – wb 02.11.20


Our topic next term is ‘Brilliant British Inventions’ and children will be learning about different British inventors and how their invention has impacted upon Britain. We will be constructing timelines and creating our own inventions. During the first week back, children will be thinking about what they already know and what they would like to learn throughout the topic, along with beginning to research some famous inventors.  


In maths, we will be having a quick recap of long division after the week’s break. We will also be using BODMAS to solve calculations with mixed operations and solving problems using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).




Class Teacher Awards – 23.10.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Alvin and Lewis

Sycamore: Millie and Alfie T


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Notices – 23.10.20


We just wanted to say how amazingly all your children have done this term. We are so proud of their great start and of all the progress they have already made! We look forward to seeing them again next term.


We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing half term. The children deserve it! Monday 2nd November is an inset day, so children are due back on Tuesday 3rd November


Miss Knight and Miss Dowding











This Week’s Learning – wb 12.10.20


This week in topic we finished our flashback adventure stories and used a thesaurus to up-level our vocabulary before editing. We have then had a focus of DT this week and children were tasked to construct an Arctic tent fit for survival. They planned their design in groups and used clear labels to show materials they would use and for what reason. Children then constructed their tents before we tested their suitability against water, wind and predators. They could use key vocabulary when evaluating their design at the end, such as ‘durability’, ‘innovative’ and ‘insulating’.  You can see pictures of our tents in the gallery section on the year group page.


In maths, we have been dividing numbers by other two-digit numbers using the long division method. Children used this method to solve a range of problems.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 19.10.20


In topic next week, we will be learning about space. This is a year 5 objective which was missed due to the school closures from March, so we are catching up now! This learning will include discussing the evidence that the Earth is curved, the planets in the solar system and their orbit around the sun, the movement of the moon and how the movement of the Earth creates day, night and the seasons.


In maths, we will be learning about factors and multiples and finding common ones between numbers. We will also be learning about prime, square and cubed numbers.



Class Teacher Awards – 16.10.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Cameron and Lily

Sycamore: Emily and Alfie S


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Notices – 09.10.20


At the beginning of next week, you will receive your child's report which includes their targets. Please make sure to sign up to a phone call appointment should you wish to speak to us using the Arbor Parent Portal. If you have any issues with this, please contact the school office. 













This Week’s Learning – wb 05.10.20


This week in topic we have been using what we have learnt about the Arctic to write our own flashback adventure stories. We begun by looking at a normal structured story compared to a flashback one and analysed the features of the flashback one in more detail. We then planned our own stories before collecting vocabulary for our settings and characters in groups. You can see pictures of us collecting our language on our gallery page. We started writing our stories and will finish next week. Our focus was using cohesive devices to make our writing flow and using the correct tense throughout.


In maths, we have been dividing numbers by another one-digit number. We started by using place value counters to demonstrate our understanding of what happens to numbers when we divide, using the language of ‘remainders’ and ‘exchanging’. You can see pictures of this work in our gallery section on the year group page.  We then used the bus stop method to solve a range of problems.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 12.10.20


In topic next week, we will be continuing to write our flashback stories, using our plans and collected vocabulary, before editing and improving them. Children will then be tasked to design and make their own Arctic tent fit for purpose in DT. We will be researching and designing our tents before making them using a range of materials.


In maths, we will be using the long division method to divide numbers by other two-digit numbers through a range of problems and contexts.



Class Teacher Awards – 09.10.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Princess and Ella

Sycamore: Sophie and Ella


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Notices – 09.10.20


Next week, children will be designing and making their own arctic tents in groups. Please could you continue to collect junk materials at home for this, particularly:

- plastic


-bubble wrap

-anything you can think of to make an arctic tent!


We are asking for these materials to be brought into school on Monday 12th October 2020.


Please also make sure you sign up for a phone call appointment for parent consultations via the Arbor parent portal.











This Week’s Learning – wb 28.09.20


This week in topic we have learnt about how past and present polar explorations have changed, including the equipment and methods used, food supplies and transport. Children then wrote fantastic explanation texts to explain how humans can survive in the Arctic, focussing on their cohesion throughout. They have also been working hard to edit and improve their writing, using a thesaurus to up-level vocabulary where they can.


In maths, we have been continuing with the column method. We started with adding and subtracting using this method, using place value counters to demonstrate our understanding of what happens when we ‘exchange’. We then moved to multiplying, first by a single digit, then by two-digit numbers. Children applied this knowledge to real life contexts.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 05.10.20


In topic next week, we will be using our learning of Amundsen and his ‘Race to the South Pole’ to help us write a flashback story. We will start by identifying the features of flashback stories, before planning and collecting vocabulary for our characters and settings.


In maths, we will be solving multiplication problems in real life contexts, before moving on to dividing by one and two-digit numbers using our knowledge of factors.



Class Teacher Awards – 02.10.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Mariam and Bobbie

Sycamore: Abtin and Elsie


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Notices – 02.10.20


Just a reminder that in a couple of weeks, children will be designing and making their own arctic tents in groups. Please could you continue to collect junk materials at home for this, particularly:

- plastic


-bubble wrap

-anything you can think of to make an arctic tent!


We are asking for these materials to be brought into school on Monday 12th October 2020.













This Week’s Learning – wb 21.09.20


This week we have continued our topic ‘Polar Regions’ and have been learning about different Arctic explorers. Children created a story board to show the ‘Race to the South Pole’ between Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott. You can see pictures of this on our gallery section on the year group page. Children then used what they knew about persuasive texts from last week to write a persuasive letter, focussing on cohesive devices and selecting appropriate vocabulary and grammar.


In maths, we continued learning how to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 and applied our knowledge to a range of problems. We also learnt about negative numbers and how to calculate the difference between two amounts involving negative numbers. On Friday, we begun recapping how to use the column method, focussing on addition and subtraction.


In PSHE, we discussed Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and children thought about which needs have and have not yet been met for them, along with comparing these needs to children from other cultures around the world.


In RE, we discussed how the start of a life is celebrated across different religions around the world.


In PE, we played a game of bench ball, focusing on our skills of defence and using what we had practised in athletics last week to throw and catch the ball. In athletics, we practised how to throw for distance using the ‘push’ technique.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 28.09.20


In topic next week, we will be learning about how past and present polar explorations have changed, including the equipment and methods used, food supplies and transport. Children will then be using what they learn to write an explanation text about how people survive in the polar regions.


In maths, we are going to be continuing to use the column method, this time to multiply numbers by one and two-digit numbers. We will then use this knowledge to solve problems in a real life context.


In PSHE, we will be making choices about our behaviour in class and thinking about the impact our actions have on others in the class.


We will be discussing what happens in a Christian Baptism ceremony next week in RE.


In indoor PE, we will be developing our seated static balance skills to send and receive a ball using different techniques.  In athletics, we will be developing our understanding of agility and how to apply it in a competitive context.



Class Teacher Awards – 25.09.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Wiktor and Grace

Sycamore: John and Shayaan


Well done to you all!



Parent/Carer Notices – 25.09.20


In a couple of weeks, children will be designing and making their own arctic tents in groups. Please could you begin to collect junk materials at home for this, particularly:

- plastic


-bubble wrap

-anything you can think of to make an arctic tent!


We are asking for these materials to be brought into school on Monday 12th October 2020.











Willow Classroom Tour

Sycamore Classroom Tour

This Week’s Learning – wb 14.09.20


This week in topic we have continued our learning about climate change and the effects of this on our polar regions. Children started by identifying the features of persuasive writing, before planning and writing their own persuasive leaflets to convince people to help to save these areas. You can see some pictures of these leaflets in our gallery section on our year group page.


In maths, we have been using our knowledge of place value to round numbers up to ten million. We also began recapping how to multiply numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 and applying our knowledge to a range of problems.


In PSHE, we discussed what rights children have and how their wants and needs compare to children from different communities and countries around the world. Children thought about how the quality of life of a child working on a cocoa bean plantation compared to theirs.


In RE, we created a timeline showing when different religious ceremonies are celebrated in someone’s life.


In PE, we are using our new REAL PE scheme for indoor PE and focussed on our skills of balancing this week and strengthening our core. In athletics, we practised how to send and receive a ball with precision through a variety of throwing techniques.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 21.09.20


In topic next week, we will be learning about arctic explorers and their significance in history. We will then continue to use our learning about persuasive techniques to write a persuasive letter.


In maths, we are going to be multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000, learning about negative numbers and beginning to secure our understanding about how to use the column method to solve problems.


In PSHE, we will be discussing Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and children will be thinking about which needs have and have not yet been met for them, along with comparing these needs to children from other cultures around the world.


We will be discussing how the start of a life is celebrated across different religions around the world in RE next week.


In indoor PE, we will be using our seated balance and floor work to send and receive a ball using different techniques.  In athletics, we will be learning how to throw for distance using the ‘push’ technique. 


Class Teacher Awards – 18.09.20


Our ‘Stars of the Week’ this week are…


Willow: Holly C and Daniel

Sycamore: Jan and Sophie


Well done to you all!












This Week’s Learning – wb 07.09.20


Our topic this term is ‘Polar Regions’. This week we have learnt about the similarities and differences between the Arctic and Antarctica and children word a comparative report using this information, focussing on their use of commas and linking their ideas together. We then looked at how global warming is affecting the Polar Regions and children created a table to demonstrate some of the problems humans are creating and how we could solve them.


In maths, we have been looking at place value this week, including ordering and comparing numbers up to 10,000,000. At some points, we used place value counters to help us with this learning. We also learnt about roman numerals and worked out a variety of problems using this knowledge.


In PSHE, we focussed on how we can create a safe, positive classroom environment for all to learn in and discussed our hopes and worries about the year ahead.


In RE, children began our topic ‘The Journey of Life’ by discussing what major events had occurred in their lives and comparing with their peers.


In PE, we are using our new REAL PE scheme for indoor PE and were focussing on our skills of balancing whilst seated this week through a game of seated volleyball. In outdoor PE, we kick-started our athletics sequence of lessons by taking part in a variety of relays, which required both speed and agility. 


Next Week’s Learning – wb 14.09.20


In topic next week, we will be writing a persuasive leaflet to convince people to prevent global warming and save the Polar Regions from melting. We will be focussing on our use of modal verbs and persuasive language.


In maths, we are going to be using our understanding of place value to round numbers of value up to 10,000,000. We will then be revising how to multiply numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.


In PSHE, we will be discussing what rights children have and how their wants and needs compare to children from different communities and countries around the world.


We will be creating a timeline showing when different religious ceremonies are celebrated in someone’s life in RE next week.


In indoor PE, we will be moving to using our balancing skills whilst standing, both on one and two legs. In athletics, we will be learning how to send and receive a ball with precision through a variety of throwing techniques.


Class Teacher Awards – 11.09.20


Each week we will choose two children from each Year 6 class who have really impressed us. These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen…


Willow: Archie and Honey

Sycamore: Alex and Evie


Well done to you both!












Welcome to Year 6 - 4.09.2020


We hope you had a lovely summer holiday and are ready for a new year! We have

loved our first couple of days with you and hope you have enjoyed them too.


Please remember your drop off time is between 8.35am and 8:45am at the Fellowes Road gate. The end of the day is at 3:15pm.


PE is on Mondays and Fridays – please ensure your child comes to school wearing their school P.E kit on these days, rather than sending their PE kits into school to get changed. Please remove earrings in the morning and tie back long hair.


Due to the pandemic, if your child is borrowing a book from school, they will be given one reading book per week. They will choose a new book on a Monday and return it to school on a Friday – this gives us the weekend as the 72 hours quarantine to ensure books stay clean. However, if your child finishes their reading book before Friday, please let us know and we can sort a new one. Please ensure your child reads daily and records their reading in their reading diary.


Homework in Year 6 will be reading comprehension and maths homework, sent out on alternate weeks, along with spellings and times tables. We will send homework out on a Friday and will expect it to be handed in by the following Thursday. Spelling and times table tests will be carried out on a Friday. Children will have the opportunity to mark homework and bring it home with them to share with you. Feedback and support will be given in class. We will aim to include examples of methods in maths where appropriate and upload them to our blog.


Our topic for this term is ‘Polar Regions’ – please see the blog next week for further information.


The Year 6 Team

Welcome to Willow Class! (Year 6)

Hello and welcome to Willow Class! Mrs King and I (Miss Knight) are SO excited to have you with us in September - it is going to be an amazing year! Have a lovely summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming you to Year 6 in September!

Welcome to Sycamore Class! (Year 6)

Guidance for September 2020 School Opening

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Pupils, families, community: learning and working together

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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy