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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Pupils, families, community:
learning and working together


SATs - the children have worked so hard and we could not be more prouder of them all! The best is yet to come Year 6, we hope you have enjoyed Year 6 as much as the Year 6 team have so far!

World Book Day - the children completed lots of activities and created comic strips based on the book - 'Journey'! We made inferences based on the pictures in the book and enjoyed being creative with our drawings afterwards!

History - as part of history, children explored the concept of chronology! We looked at where WWII fits in the course of history across the school and how extensive it is!

Imperial War Museum! The children loved exploring the WWII exhibit and the artifacts as well as meeting to War Veterans who recounted their experiences during the war.

In science this week, we looked at classification and how we can put organisms into groups because of their characteristics.

Top of the Form! A massive well done to Elyse, Ethan, Reggie and Isla for taking part in top of the form against Barrow Hedges, you made us all proud and thank you for representing Rushy!

Horniman Trip - we travelled to the museum and to explore different artifacts in the museum around Evolution. The children were extremely excited by this (and lunch)!

Residential - day 3! Children have been exploring the Forrest, gathering sticks to make a fire! Climbing high and abseiling down!

Residential - day 2! Children working together in team building, deep diving into mud in the forest adventure, climbing high on the crates and hitting bullsye in archery!

Residential - day 1! Children explored the local surrounding area using map reading and orienteering skills and other children got extremely muddy adventuring into the forest!!

Lab in a lorry - on Wednesday, Year 6 were lucky enough to have a science morning and explore four activities involving a lab in a lorry! It was great to see how hooked the children were in the carousel of activities they completed!

This week, children used counters to divide and share numbers into equal groups.

Children experimented with chalk to build on their blending skills which they then used to create an Arctic scene!

In Reading skills, children explored a text about Neil Armstrong and his significance and wrote down questions about what they thought and wondered.

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Pupils, families, community: learning and working together

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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy