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The School Day
Reception: School commences at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm (32.5 hours per week)
KS1 (Year 1 & 2): School commences at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm (32.5 hours per week
KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6): School commences at 8:45am and finishes at 3:20pm
(32.8 hours per week)
Nursery AM: commences at 8:35am and finishes 11:35am (15 hours per week)
Morning – open 8:35am and close 8:45am
Afternoon – open 3:05pm and close 3:40pm
Children come into class between 8.35am and 8.45am. Morning register is taken at 8.50am. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time.
If your child/children arrives at school after 8:45am, but before 9:15am, they will be marked late in the register. If your child arrives after the times stated, they will be marked absent for the morning session.
The doors close promptly at the start of the school day. We request that Parents /Carers do not enter the classroom once lessons have started as this interrupts teaching and learning.
If you find the doors and gates are closed to your child’s class you will need to enter the school through the main office access from Fellowes Road / Rushy Meadow Lane.
There is a late register and you will be required to give a reason stating why your child is late for school.
You must ensure your child arrives on time for school and that they are collected on time when school finishes. If you realise you will be late either arriving at school or collecting your child from school please the office on 020 8669 7588 and a message will be passed to the class teacher.
Children who arrive at school early are your responsibility, whether you are with them or not. Teachers will be in the classrooms five minutes before the register is called.
If you are collecting your child and are unavoidably delayed, please telephone the academy, on 020 8669 7588, so that your child does not have to suffer undue anxiety.
Children, who have not been collected after school, wait with their class teacher until they are taken to the Office. Parents/Carers who collect their child/children from the office will need to give a reason stating why they have collected their child /children late.