Cirrus Primary Academy Trust


We say No to Bullying, whether verbal or physical; it has no place in our school. We ask for all parents and pupils to help us by reporting immediately any incidents so that we can deal firmly and fairly with any bullies, involving parents if appropriate.

Our policy defines bullying as ‘Persistent behaviour by an individual or a group, with the intention of verbally, physically or emotionally harming another person or group’ DfE (2017) Preventing and Tackling Bullying.

Bullying is generally characterised by: 

Repetition: Incidents are not one-offs; they are frequent and happen over an extended period of time. 

Intent: The perpetrator means to cause verbal, physical or emotional harm; it is not accidental. 

Targeting: Bullying is generally targeted at a specific individual or group. 

Power imbalance: Whether real or perceived, bullying is generally based on unequal power relations. 

To help children identify and report on rare incidents of bullying, we use the STOP acronym, which stands for 'Several Times on Purpose'. This helps children understand the definition of bullying.  

Talking about Bullying with your child -  NSPCC

Visit our policies section to read our Anti-bullying Policy

Bullying Advice for Parents and Carers