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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Pupils, families, community:
learning and working together

Term dates

Please click on the School Calendar tab to keep up to date with all school events & holidays.

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy’s term dates are set by the Local Governing Board in agreement with Cirrus Primary Academy Trust.

Dates are in line with other Sutton schools where possible to minimise inconvenience for parents.  Some secondary schools may operate different dates.

Pupils should attend on all school days.

Term dates for September 2023 - August 2024

Term dates for September 2024 - August 2025

Term dates for September 2025 - August 2026

Term dates for September 2026 - August 2027

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Pupils, families, community: learning and working together

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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy