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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Pupils, families, community:
learning and working together


As an Academy, our Trust (Cirrus Primary Academy Trust) is the Admissions Authority

Rushy Meadow intend to admit 60 children into Reception each academic year and currently 26 children into nursery for a morning session - 3 hours per day Monday to Friday.


Entry into the Hearing Impaired Resource Base (HIRB) can only be made through the Local Authority SEN Panel for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) where hearing impairment is their primary need.  If a child has an EHCP for a hearing impairment and parents would like to apply for a place in the HIRB, they should speak to their child's SEN caseworker who can guide them through this process.


We welcome visits to our academy before application and usually hold sessions on a regular basis during the autumn term from September to January where small groups of parents/carers may visit the academy for a tour and have the opportunity to ask questions. These sessions are usually conducted by a senior member of staff.


Please click here to visit the New Parent Information Page. Here you can book a school tour.


If you have any queries regarding the admissions process, please contact the Trust's Admissions Officer Lisa Tilleray on 020 8647 9322 (option 4).

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Pupils, families, community: learning and working together

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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy