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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Class Teacher Blog

Welcome to Year 5!


Cedar Class Teacher: Miss Beecroft

Class TAs: Mr Iuliano and Ms Priya




PE Slots - please come to school wearing your PE kit on PE days - children must not be wearing jewellery and long hair must be tied up.

Thursday: outdoor PE (plain white t-shirt, shorts/joggers/leggings, purple Rushy jumper, trainers)

Friday: indoor PE (plain white t-shirt, shorts/joggers/leggings, purple Rushy jumper, trainers)

This Week’s Learning – w/e 17.11.23

In our science lessons, we looked at irreversible changes. We observed some changes which resulted in new materials being made where we couldn’t reverse the reaction. For example, heating bread, burning paper and mixing bicarbonate of soda with vinegar. Also, we looked at reversible changes. We conducted an experiment of melting chocolate and seeing what happens when we cool it again.

In DT, we looked at a range of chocolate boxes and thought about the properties which make them strong or weak. We thought about which materials made the best chocolate boxes and why this was.


In English, we gather vocabulary for our balanced arguments. We focused on fronted adverbials and subordinating conjunctions that could be used in our writing. Then, we spent a couple of days writing our balanced arguments. Lastly, we spent some time editing our writing to correct any of our grammar mistakes. We also looked at improving our writing to show we understood the purpose and audience.  


In maths, we found the prime factors of numbers. We created prime factor trees to help us identify these. Then, we moved onto multiplying by a 1 digit number using the column method. We started by using counters and multiplication charts to support us. Finally, we started to learn how to multiply by a 2 digit number. Some of us found this a little tricky but were glad to hear that we have a few more days to practice the skill.


Bonjour!  This week we have been continuing to say the weather.  You could watch this video to practice the phrases: .  Next week we will be doing some written activities on the weather. 


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 20.11.2023

In our themed learning, we will be looking at thermal insulators in science. Also, we will be looking at how some materials dissolve in a liquid.

In DT, we will be creating a mood board to find ideas which we would like to include in our own packaging designs.


In English, we will be firstly doing some drama to learn more about the story ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. We will be hot seating the main character, Willy Wonka. Then, we will be identifying the features of a setting description. After this, we will be recapping how we can use figurative language in our writing. Then, we will be writing a short setting description of the factory.    

In maths, we will be continuing to understand how to multiply by a 2 digit number using the column method. We will spend a couple of days on this to consolidate our understanding. Then, we will be moving onto short division. We will spend a couple of days understanding how to use the bus stop method for short division without remainders.

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers.


Star of the week:

Billy and Nithin 😊


Parent/Carer Information – 10.11.23

You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.


Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.

Home Learning

Please ensure that children are arriving to school promptly in the mornings. The school gates open at 8:35am and children should be ready to start their learning at 8:45am.

Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.

Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home every day.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.

This Week’s Learning – w/e 10.11.23

In our themed learning, we have been starting to look at Fairtrade. We first thought about the benefits of Fairtrade and how it helps people around the world. We then used atlases to locate countries which grow Fairtrade cocoa.

In science, we looked at the properties of materials. We went on a material hunt to find different materials around the room and thought about why objects are made of certain materials.

In DT, we started looking at packaging. This half-term we will be designing our own packaging for some chocolates. This week we evaluated the designs we liked and thought about what made the designs successful.

In English, we started to look at balanced arguments. We first looked at the grammar features of a balanced argument and thought about what made a balanced argument successful. Then we learned how to use subordinating conjunctions to extend our sentences. After this, we wrote speeches to either persuade someone that fairtrade is a positive or negative thing. Lastly, we started to plan our piece of writing.

In maths, we compared equations using less than, more than or equal to. Then, we identified the factors of numbers. After this, we identified common factors of two different numbers. Next, we looked at multiples of numbers, we thought about using repeated addition to help us identify the multiples. Lastly, we identified the prime numbers up to 100.


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 13.11.2023

In our themed learning, we will be looking at reversible changes and how materials can be separated. We will conduct an experiment into the best separating methods. After this, we will be looking at irreversible changes of materials. These changes will result in the formation of new materials/substances.

In DT, we will be analysing different types of packaging and thinking about what makes the physical structures successful.


In English, we will be gathering vocabulary which we can use in our balanced arguments. Then, we will spend a couple of days writing our balanced arguments, including the features of the writing criteria. Lastly, we will be editing our writing to ensure we are meeting the purpose and audience.   

In maths, we will first be identifying prime factors of numbers. Then, we will be recapping our knowledge of multiplying up to 4 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. Lastly, we will be starting to learn how to multiply up to 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.


Star of the week:

Indie and Alysha 😊


Parent/Carer Information – 10.11.23

You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.


Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.

Home Learning

Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.

Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home every day.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.

This Week’s Learning – w/e 20.10.23

In our themed learning, we painted our Mayan masks. The children thought carefully about the designs they were creating and used their plans as a guide. I was impressed to see them blending colours to make lighter and darker shades. Then, we spent time evaluating our masks to say what went well and what we would do next time to improve them.

In English, we finished writing our Mayan myths. The children were fantastic at using the features of a myth to write their own myth. They thought carefully about the characters and how they interact. I was particularly impressed with the children’s use of speech throughout their writing. After this, we edited and improved to think about how we can change our writing to ensure it meets the purpose. Lastly, we completed a reading comprehension about a warning tale called ‘The Mermaid’s Song’.

In maths, we looked at subtracting decimals. We first looked at numbers with the same amount of decimal places. We were focusing on ensuring that our digits and decimal points line up correctly. After this, we looked at subtracting numbers that had a different amount of decimal places. Then, we looked at number bonds to 10, 100 and 1,000. Thinking about how we can calculate an answer using our number bonds to 10. Lastly, we calculated number bonds within 1,000,000, including decimal numbers.


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 06.11.23

In our themed learning, we will be looking at what Fairtrade is. We will be learning about the positives and negatives of Fairtrade and thinking about the impact it has on the different people involved in the Fairtrade process. We will also think about the roles that each person plays for Fairtrade. Then, we will be identifying the countries that Fairtrade benefits around the world using an atlas. Also, we will be looking at the different properties of materials and the reasons why certain materials are chosen for different objects.

In DT, we are going to be designing and making our own chocolate boxes this half-term. For the first lesson, we are going to be analysing different packaging and thinking about which ones we might like to use as an examples for our own packaging.

In English, we will be starting to look at balanced arguments. Our first lesson will introduce us to the positives and negatives of Fairtrade. After this, we will be identifying and analysing the features of a balanced argument. We will think about the structure and the types of grammar included. Then, we will be focussing on subordinating conjunctions. We will look at how we can use these to explain our ideas and link our ideas together. Then, we will be writing a speech to either convince someone that Fairtrade is good or that it is bad. Lastly, we will be planning our balanced argument, thinking about the positives and negatives of buying Fairtrade products.  

In maths, we will first be comparing equations using less than, more than or equal to. After this, we will be identifying factors of numbers. We will think about different factor pairs. Then, we will be identifying common factors of different numbers. Next, we will be identifying multiples of numbers. Thinking about how we can use our times table and repeated addition knowledge. Lastly, we will be looking at prime numbers up to 100.

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.


Stars of the week:

To be announced ðŸ˜Š


Parent/Carer Information – 20.10.23

Have a fantastic half-term. We will be coming back to school on Monday 6th November.

You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.


Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.

Home Learning

Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.

Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home every day.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.

This Week’s Learning – w/e 13.10.23

In our themed learning, we made our Mayan mask templates. The children chose from three different techniques to make their masks. All of the children used a balloon as their template for their masks. Then they chose between Modroc, papier mache using glue or papier mache using a mixture of flower and water. The children worked really hard to build a hard shell for their masks and worked well to support their peers.  

In English, we planned our Mayan myths. We created storyboards to help us remember what each of our stories was going to be about. Then, we used an example text to gather vocabulary that we can use in our myths. We created a dartboard to collect all of the great vocabulary on the outside, 10 phrases that we really liked on the next ring and our top 3 favourite phrases on the middle ring. We are challenging ourselves to include our favourite 3 phrases in our own myths. Then, we started to write the beginning of our myths.

In maths, we started to look at adding decimal numbers. Firstly, we looked at numbers that have the same number of decimal places. Then, we looked at numbers where the number of decimal places was different. After this, we started looking at subtraction of numbers that involved no exchanging. Next, we looked at subtractions where exchanging was involved. Lastly, we looked at subtracting numbers that contain a different number of digits.


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 16.10.23

In our themed learning, we will be painting our Mayan masks. We will use our design sketches to make a mask that is similar to our design and meets the purpose we chose. Then, we will be evaluating our masks to see how similar they were to our designs and what we could do next time to make them even more accurate.   

In English, we will be spending a few days finishing our Mayan myths. The children are really exciting to be able to share these with you at parents evening. After they are finished, we will spend some time editing and improving our writing to make them the best they can be.

In maths, we will be looking at subtracting decimal numbers. Firstly, we will look at numbers that have the same number of decimal places. Then, we will look at numbers where the number of decimal places is different. After this, we will be looking at recapping number bonds to 10, 100 and 1,000. Then, we will be looking at number bonds within 1,000,000.

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.

We will be swimming again this week. Please make sure children come to school with their swimsuit under their PE kit. They need a separate bag which has a towel, their swimming hat, goggles if they choose to wear them and underwear to change into. Please make sure they have a coat if it is cold or may rain as we will be walking to and from the pool.


Star of the week:

Aharshi and Maria 😊


Parent/Carer Information – 13.10.23

You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.


Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.

Home Learning

Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.

Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home every day.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.

This Week’s Learning – w/e 06.10.23

In our themed learning, we designed our own Mayan masks. We looked at the patterns and colours we are going to use. Also, we learned some different techniques for creating a mask. After this, we learned about the work of Frederick Catherwood and thought about how he contributed to our understanding of the Maya civilisation.

In English, we learned about Mayan myths. We did some role play to learn the structure of a myth and some of the examples. Then, we analysed the features that we will need to include. After this, we learned how to use a relative clause in our writing. Lastly, we designed our main characters for our own myths and wrote a character description of them using similes and metaphors to describe.

In maths, we continued to look at negative numbers on a number line. We solved word problems that involve negative number temperature changes. After this, we recapped our understanding of column addition. We started with sums that involve no exchanging. Then, we thought about sums that involve having to exchange between the columns. Lastly, we were adding numbers where the addends have a different number of digits to each other. This week in maths we learned the words addend, total/sum and commutative law. We are trying to remember what these mean so please quiz the children at home.


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 09.10.23

In our themed learning, we will be making the base for our Mayan masks. Some of us have chosen to use papier-Mache with glue, some with flour and some are going to use a technique called Modroc. We will also be celebrating ‘Black History Month’ by creating a poster all about inspirational individuals.  

In English, we will be planning our Mayan myths. We will be creating a story board of what our myths will include. Then, we will be gathering vocabulary for a Mayan myth using a dart board to collect and select vocabulary. After this, we will be starting to write our Mayan myths.  

In maths, we will be looking at adding decimal numbers. Firstly, we will look at numbers that have the same number of decimal places. Then, we will look at numbers where the number of decimal places is different. After this, we will be looking at subtraction of numbers that involve no exchanging. Next, we will be looking at subtractions where exchanging is involved. Lastly, we will look at subtracting numbers that contain a different number of digits.

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.

We will be swimming again this week. Please make sure children come to school with their swimsuit under their PE kit. They need a separate bag which has a towel, their swimming hat, goggles if they choose to wear them and underwear to change into. Please make sure they have a coat if it is cold or may rain as we will be walking to and from the pool.


Star of the week:

To be revealed on Monday 😊


Parent/Carer Information – 06.10.23

You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.



Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.


Home Learning

This week, I would like the children to create a poster about keeping safe when we are walking to swimming. This is incredibly important and I would like to stress the importance of safety when walking near to and crossing roads. Please could you discuss the importance of this with your child while they make their poster. They can either make this on the paper they have been given or they can use the document which has been assigned on Microsoft Teams to create a digital poster.


Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.


Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home every day.


Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.

This Week’s Learning – w/e 29.09.23

In our themed learning, we learned more about the different types and uses of Maya masks. The children discussed why they were important to the civilisation and how they used them. We also analysed different masks to discover which designs we liked the best. Also, we started to understand the different Mayan gods and how important they were to the running of the civilisation.   

In English, we planned our information texts all about the Maya civilisation. We used the 4 categories about the civilisation as our different sections. Then, we gathered vocabulary that we could use in our writing. After this, we spent the next couple of days writing our information texts using our plans to support us. Lastly, we spent some time editing and improving our writing.

In maths, we consolidated our knowledge of rounding by rounding numbers within 1,000,000. Then, we learned to read and understand Roman numerals up to 1,000. We learned how to write them and also how to convert between Roman numerals and our English digits. After this, we estimated where numbers are on an empty number line. Lastly, we learned how to calculate temperature changes using positive integers.


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 02.10.23

In our themed learning, we will be starting to design our own Mayan masks. We will look at the patterns and colours we are going to use. Also, we will be learning some different techniques for creating a mask. After this, we will be learning about the work of Frederick Catherwood and thinking about how he contributed to our understanding of the Maya civilisation.

In English, we will be learning about Mayan myths. We are going to do some role play to learn the structure of a myth and some of the examples. Then, we will be analysing the features that we will need to include. After this, we will be learning how to use a relative clause in our writing. Lastly, we will be designing our main characters for our own myths and writing a character description of them using similes and metaphors to describe.

In maths, we will be continuing to look at negative numbers on a number line. We will be solving word problems that involve negative number temperature changes. After this, we will be recapping our understanding of column addition. We will first start with sums that involve no exchanging. Then, we will think about sums that involve having to exchange between the columns. Lastly, we will be adding numbers where the addends have a different number of digits to each other.  

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.

We will be swimming again this week. Please make sure children come to school with their swimsuit under their PE kit. They need a separate bag which has a towel, their swimming hat, goggles if they choose to wear them and underwear to change into. Please make sure they have a coat if it is cold or may rain as we will be walking to and from the pool.


Star of the week:

Billie-May and Olivia


Parent/Carer Information – 29.09.23

You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.


Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.

Home Learning

Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.

Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home every day.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.

This Week’s Learning – w/e 22.09.23

In our themed learning, we finished our DT project. The children showed great chopping skills and I was so impressed by how finely chopped some of their vegetable were! They were fantastic at wrapping up their fajitas to keep all of their ingredients inside and all of the children were brave to try something new. They were all really helpful when tidying up and made sure they had cleaned their area. Then, they thought about what they had made and evaluated to show the things they liked or did not like about their finished products.

In English, we looked at different aspects of the Maya civilisation. The children really enjoyed the treasure hunt style activity where we hunted for facts about the four different categories: clothing, jobs, social structure and writing. Then, we looked at the grammar features of an information text. They worked well in teams to create a mind map all about the features. Lastly, we learned how to use brackets to indicate parenthesis. The children were really creative with their ideas of how to add information to describe the nouns in each sentence.   

In maths, we completed some quizzes to show our knowledge from Year 4. All of the children worked really hard to show all the things they knew and were resilient if they were not sure of an answer. After this, we learned how to round numbers to the nearest 10,000 and 100,000.


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 25.09.23

In our themed learning, we will be learning more about the different types and uses of Maya masks. The children will discuss why they were important to the civilisation and how they used them. We will also be analysing different masks to discover which designs we like the best. Also, we will be starting to understand the different Mayan gods and how important they were to the running of the civilisation.   

In English, we will be planning our information texts. We will use the 4 categories about the civilisation as our different sections. Then, we will gather vocabulary that we can use in our writing. After this, we will spend the next couple of days writing our information texts using our plans to support us. Lastly, we will spend some time editing and improving our writing.

In maths, we will be consolidating our knowledge of rounding by rounding numbers within 1,000,000. Then, we will be learning to read and understand Roman numerals up to 1,000. We will be learning how to write them and also how to convert between Roman numerals and our English digits. After this, we will be estimating where numbers are on an empty number line. Lastly, we will be learning how to calculate temperature changes using positive integers.

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.

We will be swimming again this week. Please make sure children come to school with their swimsuit under their PE kit. They need a separate bag which has a towel, their swimming hat, goggles if they choose to wear them and underwear to change into. Please make sure they have a coat if it is cold or may rain as we will be walking to and from the pool.


Star of the week:

Chingu and Lullena


Parent/Carer Information – 22.09.23

You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.


Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.

Home Learning

Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.

Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home every day.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.

This Week’s Learning – w/e 15.09.23

In our themed learning, we looked at the Maya civilisation. We learned about the different aspects of their lives, thinking about their jobs, clothing, writing and social structure. Then, in history, we thought about how the Maya have influenced modern day life in Mexico. In DT, we designed our fajitas and thought about the ingredients we will use.

In English, we planned our diary entries to show a day in the life of a Windmill Farmer. Then, we gathered vocabulary that we could use in our writing. After this, we spend a couple of days writing our diary entries from the perspective of the Windmill Farmer. The children were fantastic at using adjectives to describe emotions and adverbials of time to show their chronological order. Lastly, we learned more about expectations for editing writing in Year 5.  

In maths, we subtracted mentally using our knowledge of place value. Then, we estimated numbers on a number line. We learned how to calculate the value of intervals using a division sum to work out what the number line was counting in. After this, we started to learn how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.   


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 18.09.23

In our themed learning, we will be focusing on our DT project this week. We will be using a safe cutting technique to chop a range of different vegetables. We will also be learning how to construct a fajita and cooking some vegetables. We will also have the opportunity to try some traditional Mexican dish that we can put in our wraps.  

In English, we will be looking at information texts. We will start by recapping our knowledge of Maya civilisation. Thinking more about the important facts that we can use in our writing. After this, we will be looking at the grammar features of an information text. Lastly, we will learn how to use brackets to indicate parenthesis in our writing.   

In maths, we will be completing some quizzes to show our knowledge from Year 4. The children will complete some Year 4 transition quizzes to show the things they can remember from Year 4. On Friday, we will be learning to round numbers to the nearest 10,000 and 100,000.   

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.

We will be swimming again this week. Please make sure children come to school with their swimsuit under their PE kit. They need a separate bag which has a towel, their swimming hat, goggles if they choose to wear them and underwear to change into. Please make sure they have a coat if it is cold or may rain as we will be walking to and from the pool.


Star of the week:

Lexi-Mai and Petr


Parent/Carer Information – 15.09.23


You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.



Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.



Home Learning

Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.

Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home every day.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.


This Week’s Learning – w/e 08.09.23

In our themed learning, we looked at where the Maya fit into our historical timelines and compared them to other civilisations at the time. In geography, we looked at the locations of where the Maya lived and learned more about the countries they came from. We also started our DT topic by looking at the popular cuisines of Mexico. 

In English, we looked at diaries ready to start writing our own based on the video 'The Windmill Farmer'. We thought about the different emotions that the farmer felt as the seasons changed. We looked at the features of diary entries and thought about the grammar that we need to include. Then, we learned how to use modal verbs to show possibility. Lastly, we looked at using adverbials of time to write instructions. 

In maths, we recapped reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers. We looked at numbers up to 10,000, then 100,000 and then 1,000,000. Finally, we used our knowledge of place value to add numbers mentally. 


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 11.09.23

In our themed learning, we will look at the Maya civilisation. We will learn about the different aspects of their lives, thinking about their jobs, writing and social structure. Then, in history, we will think about how the Maya have influence modern day life. In DT, we will be designing our fajitas and thinking about the ingredients we will use.

In English, we will be planning our diary entries. We will think about the different seasons and the farmers experiences. Then, we will be gathering vocabulary that can be used in our diaries. After this, we will spend the next couple of days writing our diary entries about ‘The Windmill Farmer’. Lastly, we will edit and improve our writing.  

In maths, we will be subtracting mentally using our knowledge of place value. Then, we will be estimating numbers on a number line. Thinking about the intervals on the number line and calculating the difference between the start and end of a number line. Lastly, we will be learning to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000.  

For our PE lessons, please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly Autumn day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.


Star of the week:

Tommy and Sienna



Parent/Carer Information – 08.09.23

You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.



Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.


Home Learning

Please make sure you are reading every night with your child. Their reading record needs to be signed every day. Children will earn a raffle ticket every time they have signed their reading record. Then, on a Friday, 2 children will win a prize from the prize jar.

Children should also be completing Times Table Rockstars at home.

Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. The children will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday too.

This Term’s Learning – w/b 04.09.23


Welcome back! Our new themed learning is 'Mysitcal Maya’  We will be looking at where the Maya lived, what their lives looked like, the food they ate and much more!  It is a very exciting half term and we have lots of exciting activities planned!


Next Week’s Learning – w/b 04.09.23


We will be starting the week off with lots of activities to get us settled back into school.  We will go through the school rules and create our own class rules together.

We will be learning more about our classmates and the new adults we will be working with, playing lots of games to get to know each other better. 


In our themed learning, we will look at where the Maya fit into our historical timelines and comparing them to other civilisations at the time. In geography, we will be looking at the locations where the Maya lived and learning more about the country they came from. We will also start our DT topic by looking at the local cuisines of Mexico. 


In English, we will be looking at diaries ready to start writing our own based on the video 'The Windmill Farmer'. We will think about the different emotions that the farmer feels as the seasons change. We will look at the features of diary entries and think about the grammar that we will need to include. Then, we will learn how to use modal verbs to show possibility. Lastly, we will look at using adverbials of time to write instructions. 


In maths, we will be looking at reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers. We will look at numbers up to 10,000, then 100,000 and then 1,000,000. Finally, we will use our knowledge of place value to add numbers mentally. 


 We will start our PE lessons the first week back so please come to school dressed in your PE kits on Thursday and Friday. Friday is our indoor PE day and we usually request shorts to be worn in the hall – however, if it is a chilly Autumn day, you are able to wear leggings/joggers if you prefer this half term as we will not be using the apparatus.


Parent/Carer Information – 04.09.23


Welcome back! 

We are very excited to get to know you all and start our fabulous Year 5 adventure together.  Please feel free to email Miss Beecroft if you have any questions or concerns.


You can view all of the Year 5 letters on the Letters to parents 2023-2024 page or follow this link for the Year 5 letters.



Don’t forget to pop over to our class gallery which we will update every week so you can see examples of children's work and photographs of some of our exciting activities.


Home Learning

Also, pop over to our Home Learning page – here we will post a digital copy of the home learning and weekly spellings in case your child misplaces them!

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Pupils, families, community: learning and working together

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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy