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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Pupils, families, community:
learning and working together

Class Teacher Blog

Term Summer 2 - Awesome Egyptians. To learn more about this, visit our theme planner and for other foundation subjects, please visit our Knowledge Organisers for Year 3,Summer 2 on the Year Group Pages on our school website here - Knowledge Organisers | Rushy Meadow Primary Academy Each week, we will email a copy of our Class Teacher Blog - the blog will let you know what learnt the previous week and what we will be learning the next week. At the end of the half term, we'll attach all the Class Teacher Blogs for the whole half term below! Don't forget to head to the Gallery Pages to see what we have been up to each week too!

Year 3 teaching staff

Class Teachers for Year 3 Classes:


Mrs E Green (Oak)

Mrs S Sandiford (Ash)

Teaching Assistants for Year 3 Classes:


Mrs C Greenfield (Oak)

Mrs N Robertson (Oak)

Miss L Walsh (Ash)

Miss C Cox (Ash)


Online Safety


Please take the time to have a look at our new online safety parent cards.  These cards are written for parents and clearly & simply explain how to set up parental controls, block users, age restrictions and more.  We hope that they will be very supportive for your all. 

If you have any questions about these or any element of online safety, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or you can email our Digital Learning Leader: Mrs Briggs, at


Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3, we are really looking forward to getting to know your children this week. We have some settling in activities to start the week and will swiftly move onto our Year 3 learning.

Our P.E days are Monday and Wednesday, please ensure your child comes to school dressed in the PE kit on these days. Long hair should be tied back, no earings please.

Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!




Term Summer 1 - Captain planet. To learn more about this, visit our theme planner and for other foundation subjects, please visit our Knowledge Organisers for Year 3,Summer 1 on the Year Group Pages on our school website here - Knowledge Organisers | Rushy Meadow Primary Academy Each week, we will email a copy of our Class Teacher Blog - the blog will let you know what learnt the previous week and what we will be learning the next week. At the end of the half term, we'll attach all the Class Teacher Blogs for the whole half term below! Don't forget to head to the Gallery Pages to see what we have been up to each week too!

Term Spring 2 - Happy Healthy Me To learn more about this, visit our theme planner and for other foundation subjects, please visit our Knowledge Organisers for Year 3, Spring 2 on the Year Group Pages on our school website here - Knowledge Organisers | Rushy Meadow Primary Academy Each week, we will email a copy of our Class Teacher Blog - the blog will let you know what learnt the previous week and what we will be learning the next week. At the end of the half term, we'll attach all the Class Teacher Blogs for the whole half term below! Don't forget to head to the Gallery Pages to see what we have been up to each week too!

Term Spring 1 – Extreme Earth


To learn more about this, visit our theme planner and for other foundation subjects, please visit our Knowledge Organisers for Year 3, Autumn 2 on the Year Group Pages on our school website here -  Knowledge Organisers | Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Each week, we will email a copy of our Class Teacher Blog - the blog will let you know what learnt the previous week and what we will be learning the next week. At the end of the half term, we'll attach all the Class Teacher Blogs for the whole half term below!

Don't forget to head to the Gallery Pages to see what we have been up to each week too!

Term Autumn 2 – Portals to the Past


To learn more about this, visit our theme planner and for other foundation subjects, please visit our Knowledge Organisers for Year 3, Autumn 2 on the Year Group Pages on our school website here -  Knowledge Organisers | Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Each week, we will email a copy of our Class Teacher Blog - the blog will let you know what learnt the previous week and what we will be learning the next week. At the end of the half term, we'll attach all the Class Teacher Blogs for the whole half term below!

Don't forget to head to the Gallery Pages to see what we have been up to each week too!



This Week’s Learning – wb



In English – we gathered vocabulary for our own information text about a female from Black History. We then wrote it over a few days before editing and improving it at the end of the week.


In Maths we focussed on bar models. We represented simple word problems using bar models and understood subtraction as difference. We found the difference between two numbers and solved subtraction problems using reduction. Before ending the week solving two step problems involving addition and subtraction.


In History we looked at different sources from the past to deduce what life was like in the Stone age.


In Science we continued looking at Plants. We set up an investigation using cress seed to find out what plants need to grow well.


In Art – we created our own Stone Age Cave Art using oil pastels on sandpaper.


Music - Your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been learning how to say Voici mon frère.. (this is my brother)  and introducing other family members.  Next week we will continue to practice this with some written work and songs.  You could practice numbers at home by playing some of these games:





Next Week’s Learning – wb 20.11.2023

In English – we will be retelling the story of our new key text ‘ Stone Age Boy’. We will be finding out the key features of a diary entry, all about pronouns to avoid repetition and how to spell adverbs that end with y. Before ending the week completing a reading comprehension based on our key text.


In Maths we will be are focusing on bar models. We will be using bar models to solve missing number problems and empty box problems. We will then move onto learning the round and adjust strategy when adding 8 or 9. As the week progresses we will use the round and adjust method to add 50 and doubles and triples.


In History we will be identifying different Stone Age settlements and comparing Stone Age food to modern food.


In Science we are still focussing on Plants. We will be investigating how water is transported around a plant.


In Art – we will be finishing off our own Stone Age Cave Art before evaluating it.


Music - Your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been doing some written work about presenting our families based on Simpsons characters.  We have also been listening to a song about family members.  Next week, we will begin to write about our own families in French.  Have a listen to this song to help with learning your numbers in French:



Class Teacher Awards –

Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Blake and Hannah


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Callie-Rose and Layla


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 10.11.2023

Please remember to leave your children at the small key stage 2 gate in the morning so they can walk down to class independently.



We have an exciting workshop booked on Friday 15th December 2023 to support our new topic ‘Portals to the Past’. This is a full day workshop taking place in school. The cost of this workshop is £7.10 – please make payment on the Arbor app as soon as possible.


Reading At Rushy Meadow, we have been looking at how you can support your child with reading at home throughout the summer and into the next academic year. We have subscribed to an online platform called ‘Oxford Owl’ which will enable you to do this. 

For children: 

Oxford Owl also has a dedicated pupil area with full access to the free eBook library. Your child has been set up with a class login which allows them to access the eBooks at school and at home. This will be particularly useful over the summer holidays to ensure children keep up with their reading. You can access this pupil login using this link: Login ( Your child’s login for the next year is: 

Class Username: rushyoak 

Password: oak3 


Class Username: rushyash 

Password: ash3 


For parents: 

As well as support and resources for schools and children at home, Oxford Owl has a dedicated site for parents and carers which fully supports the work done at school. This includes videos to support their phonics, access to the online eBooks, ideas for how to support vocabulary development and much more. These resources can be accessed using this link: Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl. A login is needed for some resources; you can login using your child’s details as above.  


Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


You can also log into Busy Things using your ID that is stuck in your reading diary. Here you can access lots of fun games in all of the curriculum areas that we study in Year 3.


Spellings – your spellings this week is words with the prefix dis.  Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!

This Week’s Learning – wb



In English – we looked at black history month. We answered questions about a text, identified features of an information text, identified and used sub headings and paragraphs before researching and planning our own information text about a female from Black History.


In Maths we continued to learn how to use the written method of column subtraction, before ending the week with simple word problems using bar models.


In History we looked at our new topic ‘Portals to the Past’ we understood where the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age fit into British history.


In Science we looked at Plants. We identified the parts of a plant and its functions.


In Art – we looked at Stone Age Cave Art.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This half term, we will continue to talk about ourselves with a focus on introducing family members.  This week we have been learning how to say mum, dad, brother and so on.  Next week we will talk about how to introduce a family member.  We will also continue to practice numbers from 1-12.  You could help at home using this video:




Next Week’s Learning – wb 13.11.2023

In English – we will be gathering vocabulary for our own information text about a female from Black History. We will then write it over a few days before editing and improving it at the end of the week.


In Maths we will be are focusing on bar models. We will be representing simple word problems using bar models and understanding subtraction as difference. We will be finding the difference between two numbers and solving subtraction problems using reduction. Before ending the week solving two step problems involving addition and subtraction.


In History we will be looking different sources from the past to deduce what life was like in the Stone age.


In Science we will be looking at Plants. We will be finding out what plants need to grow well.


In Art – we will be creating our own Stone Age Cave Art.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been learning how to say Voici mon frère.. (this is my brother)  and introducing other family members.  Next week we will continue to practice this with some written work and songs.  You could practice numbers at home by playing some of these games:



Class Teacher Awards –

Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Teddy S and Isai


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Teddy and Hope


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 10.11.2023

Please remember to leave your children at the small key stage 2 gate in the morning so they can walk down to class independently.



We have an exciting workshop booked on Friday 15th December 2023 to support our new topic ‘Portals to the Past’. This is a full day workshop taking place in school. The cost of this workshop is £7.10 – please make payment on the Arbor app as soon as possible.


Reading At Rushy Meadow, we have been looking at how you can support your child with reading at home throughout the summer and into the next academic year. We have subscribed to an online platform called ‘Oxford Owl’ which will enable you to do this. 

For children: 

Oxford Owl also has a dedicated pupil area with full access to the free eBook library. Your child has been set up with a class login which allows them to access the eBooks at school and at home. This will be particularly useful over the summer holidays to ensure children keep up with their reading. You can access this pupil login using this link: Login ( Your child’s login for the next year is: 

Class Username: rushyoak 

Password: oak3 


Class Username: rushyash 

Password: ash3 


For parents: 

As well as support and resources for schools and children at home, Oxford Owl has a dedicated site for parents and carers which fully supports the work done at school. This includes videos to support their phonics, access to the online eBooks, ideas for how to support vocabulary development and much more. These resources can be accessed using this link: Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl. A login is needed for some resources; you can login using your child’s details as above.  


Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


You can also log into Busy Things using your ID that is stuck in your reading diary. Here you can access lots of fun games in all of the curriculum areas that we study in Year 3.


Spellings – your spellings this week is words with the prefix dis.  Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!




This Week’s Learning – wb



In English – we gathered vocabulary before writing our leaflet about the local area. We completed the week by editing and improving our leaflet in line with the Year 3 writing criteria.


In Maths we continued to learn how to use the written method of column addition, before ending the week with column subtraction.


In DT we evaluated our shadow puppets.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been learning our classroom instructions.  You could watch practice using this quiz: We have done some of the commands on the quiz but not all.  How many new ones did you get right?  Over half term you could practice counting in French.  Go to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 3/4, languages, French and then scrolling down to the numbers activity




Next Term’s Learning – wb 06.11.2023

In English – we will be looking at black history month. We will be answering questions about a text, identifying features of an information text, identifying and using sub headings and paragraphs before researching and planning our own information text about a female from Black History.


In Maths we will be continuing to learn how to use the written method of column subtraction, before ending the week with simple word problems using bar models.


In History we will be looking at our new topic ‘Portals to the Past’ we will be understanding where the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age fir into British history.


In Science we will be looking at Plants. We will be identifying the parts of a plant and its functions.


In Art – we will be looking at Stone Age Cave Art.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This half term, we will continue to talk about ourselves with a focus on introducing family members.  This week we have been learning how to say mum, dad, brother and so on.  Next week we will talk about how to introduce a family member.  We will also continue to practice numbers from 1-12.  You could help at home using this video:




Class Teacher Awards –

Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Wagisha and Jaya


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Robyn and Kabir


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 20.10.2023

Please remember to leave your children at the small key stage 2 gate in the morning so they can walk down to class independently.


Firework mufti day in on Friday 10th November. Your child can wear bright clothes, sparkles in their hair or just something fun. Please do bring in £1 to support the PTA.


We have an exciting workshop booked on Friday 15th December 2023 to support our new topic ‘Portals to the Past’. This is a full day workshop taking place in school. The cost of this workshop is £7.10 – please make payment on the Arbor app as soon as possible.


Reading At Rushy Meadow, we have been looking at how you can support your child with reading at home throughout the summer and into the next academic year. We have subscribed to an online platform called ‘Oxford Owl’ which will enable you to do this. 

For children: 

Oxford Owl also has a dedicated pupil area with full access to the free eBook library. Your child has been set up with a class login which allows them to access the eBooks at school and at home. This will be particularly useful over the summer holidays to ensure children keep up with their reading. You can access this pupil login using this link: Login ( Your child’s login for the next year is: 

Class Username: rushyoak 

Password: oak3 


Class Username: rushyash 

Password: ash3 


For parents: 

As well as support and resources for schools and children at home, Oxford Owl has a dedicated site for parents and carers which fully supports the work done at school. This includes videos to support their phonics, access to the online eBooks, ideas for how to support vocabulary development and much more. These resources can be accessed using this link: Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl. A login is needed for some resources; you can login using your child’s details as above.  


Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


Spellings – your spellings this week is words with the prefix dis.  Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!






This Week’s Learning – wb



In English – we went on a walk to explore the local area, looked at the features of an explanation text, researched Carshalton and planned a leaflet about the local area.


In Maths we partitioned 3 digit numbers in different ways, identified multiples of 10 number bonds and begun to learn how to use the written method of column addition.


In history we looked at how illustrations of fairy tales have changed over time.


In DT we completed our shadow puppets using a variety of materials.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


Bonjour!  This week we have been using all our knowledge from this term to write about ourselves in French.  Keep an eye out on Twitter for the finished results.  Over half term you could practice counting in French.  Go to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 3/4, languages, French and then scrolling down to the numbers activity.



Next Week’s Learning – wb 16.10.2023

In English – we will be gathering vocabulary before writing our leaflet about the local area. We will complete the week by editing and improving our leaflet in line with the Year 3 writing criteria.


In Maths we will be continuing to learn how to use the written method of column addition, before ending the week with column subtraction.


In DT we will be evaluating our shadow puppets.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been learning our classroom instructions.  You could watch practice using this quiz: We have done some of the commands on the quiz but not all.  How many new ones did you get right?  Over half term you could practice counting in French.  Go to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 3/4, languages, French and then scrolling down to the numbers activity



Class Teacher Awards –

Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Hunter and Lewie


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Anais and Robbie


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 06.10.2023

Please remember to leave your children at the small key stage 2 gate in the morning so they can walk down to class independently.


Don’t forget on Thursday 19th October school closes at 1pm for Parent Consultations. Please book an appointment using the Arbor app. If you have any difficulties with the app, please speak with your child’s class teacher..


Reading At Rushy Meadow, we have been looking at how you can support your child with reading at home throughout the summer and into the next academic year. We have subscribed to an online platform called ‘Oxford Owl’ which will enable you to do this. 

For children: 

Oxford Owl also has a dedicated pupil area with full access to the free eBook library. Your child has been set up with a class login which allows them to access the eBooks at school and at home. This will be particularly useful over the summer holidays to ensure children keep up with their reading. You can access this pupil login using this link: Login ( Your child’s login for the next year is: 

Class Username: rushyoak 

Password: oak3 


Class Username: rushyash 

Password: ash3 


For parents: 

As well as support and resources for schools and children at home, Oxford Owl has a dedicated site for parents and carers which fully supports the work done at school. This includes videos to support their phonics, access to the online eBooks, ideas for how to support vocabulary development and much more. These resources can be accessed using this link: Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl. A login is needed for some resources; you can login using your child’s details as above.  


Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


Spellings – your spellings this week is words with the prefix dis.  Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!






This Week’s Learning – wb



In English – we wrote our own playscript scene from Hansel and Gretel before editing and improving it. We also be completed a reading comprehension all about Hansel and Gretel.


In Maths we added and subtracted 100’s, 10’s and 1’s using known strategies, identified numbers from 1 to 1000 on a number line and compared, ordered and partitioned 3 digit numbers.


In history we looked at how fairy tales have been passed down through generations and how they have changed.


In DT we continued to create our shadow puppets using a variety of materials.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


Bonjour!  This week we have been using our numbers to say how old we are.  You could watch this video to practice. How do you say “…and a half” in French?    Your child could then explain after watching the song.  Next week we will be writing about ourselves in French.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 09.10.2023

In English – we will be going on a walk to explore the local area, looking at the features of an explanation text, researching Carshalton and planning a leaflet about the local area.


In Maths we will be partitioning 3 digit numbers in different ways, identifying multiples of 10 number bonds and learning how to use the written method of column addition.


In history we will be looking at how illustrations of fairy tales have changed over time.


In DT we will be continuing to create our shadow puppets using a variety of materials.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


Bonjour!  This week we have been using all our knowledge from this term to write about ourselves in French.  Keep an eye out on Twitter for the finished results.  Over half term you could practice counting in French.  Go to the Busy Things website, clicking Key Stage 2, year 3/4, languages, French and then scrolling down to the numbers activity.



Class Teacher Awards –

Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Kysaki and Taras


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Hardeek and Weronika


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 06.10.2023

Please remember to leave your children at the small key stage 2 gate in the morning so they can walk down to class independently.


Don’t forget on Tuesday 10th October we are celebrating mental health awareness day – please wear something green to celebrate.


Reading At Rushy Meadow, we have been looking at how you can support your child with reading at home throughout the summer and into the next academic year. We have subscribed to an online platform called ‘Oxford Owl’ which will enable you to do this. 

For children: 

Oxford Owl also has a dedicated pupil area with full access to the free eBook library. Your child has been set up with a class login which allows them to access the eBooks at school and at home. This will be particularly useful over the summer holidays to ensure children keep up with their reading. You can access this pupil login using this link: Login ( Your child’s login for the next year is: 

Class Username: rushyoak 

Password: oak3 


Class Username: rushyash 

Password: ash3 


For parents: 

As well as support and resources for schools and children at home, Oxford Owl has a dedicated site for parents and carers which fully supports the work done at school. This includes videos to support their phonics, access to the online eBooks, ideas for how to support vocabulary development and much more. These resources can be accessed using this link: Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl. A login is needed for some resources; you can login using your child’s details as above.  


Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


Spellings – your spellings this week is words with the prefix dis.  Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!






This Week’s Learning – wb



In English – we will be looked at playscripts. We used drama to act out a play, then we identified the key features of a playscript and how to use a colon. We finished up the week planning our own playscript scene from Hansel and Gretel.


In Maths we added a multiple of ten to a 2 digit number where the total bridges 100, subtracted multiples of 10 that bridge 100 and added and subtracted multiples of 10 from a 3 digit number.


In science we found patterns in the way shadows are formed.


In DT we starting creating our shadow puppets using a variety of materials.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been  counting up to 12 in French.  You could log into your Busy Things account to practice.  Go to Busy Things, KS2, Year 3/4, languages, French and click on the counting worksheet  .  Next week we will be using our numbers to say how old we are


Next Week’s Learning – wb 02.10.2023

In English – we will be writing our own playscript scene from Hansel and Gretel before editing and improving it. We will also be completing a reading comprehension all about Hansel and Gretel.


In Maths we will be adding and subtracting100’s, 10’s and 1’s using known strategies, identifying numbers from 1 to 1000 on a number line and comparing, ordering and partitioning 3 digit numbers.


In history we will be looking at how fairy tales have been passed down through generations and how they have changed.


In DT we will be continuing to create our shadow puppets using a variety of materials.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


Bonjour!  This week we have been using our numbers to say how old we are.  You could watch this video to practice. How do you say “…and a half” in French?    Your child could then explain after watching the song.  Next week we will be writing about ourselves in French.


Class Teacher Awards –

Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Rya and Cayden


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Chloe and Liam


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 29.9.2023

Please remember to leave your children at the small key stage 2 gate in the morning so they can walk down to class independently.


Reading At Rushy Meadow, we have been looking at how you can support your child with reading at home throughout the summer and into the next academic year. We have subscribed to an online platform called ‘Oxford Owl’ which will enable you to do this. 

For children: 

Oxford Owl also has a dedicated pupil area with full access to the free eBook library. Your child has been set up with a class login which allows them to access the eBooks at school and at home. This will be particularly useful over the summer holidays to ensure children keep up with their reading. You can access this pupil login using this link: Login ( Your child’s login for the next year is: 

Class Username: rushyoak 

Password: oak3 


Class Username: rushyash 

Password: ash3 


For parents: 

As well as support and resources for schools and children at home, Oxford Owl has a dedicated site for parents and carers which fully supports the work done at school. This includes videos to support their phonics, access to the online eBooks, ideas for how to support vocabulary development and much more. These resources can be accessed using this link: Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl. A login is needed for some resources; you can login using your child’s details as above.  


Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


Spellings – your spellings this week is words with the prefix dis.  Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!






This Week’s Learning – wb 18.9.2023

In English – we wrote our own fairytale based on Hansel and Gretel. We then edited and improved it to ensure we had included synonyms for said, used capital letters, full stops, inverted commas for speech and adverbs to explain our verbs.


In Maths we partitioned 3 digit numbers into 100’s, 10’s and 1’s, found 10 more and ten less than any given number, added and subtracted multiples of 10 from any given number.


In science we recognised and explained how shadows are formed.


In DT we designed a shadow puppet using a variety of materials.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been learning how to ask how someone is and a few different ways to reply.  You could practice by listening to this song:  Next week we will be looking at classroom instructions.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 25.9.2023

In English – we will be looking at playscripts. We will be using drama to act out a play, then we will identify the key features of a playscript and how to use a colon. We will finish up the week planning our own playscript scene from Hansel and Gretel.


In Maths we will be adding a multiple of ten to a 2 digit number where the total bridges 100, subtracting multiples of 10 that bridge 100 and adding and subtracting multiples of 10 from a 3 digit number.


In science we will be finding patterns in the way shadows are formed.


In DT we will be creating our shadow puppets using a variety of materials.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been  counting up to 12 in French.  You could log into your Busy Things account to practice.  Go to Busy Things, KS2, Year 3/4, languages, French and click on the counting worksheet  .  Next week we will be using our numbers to say how old we are.



Class Teacher Awards –

Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Esme and Teddy D


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Ollie and Violet


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 22.9.2023

Please remember to leave your children at the small key stage 2 gate in the morning so they can walk down to class independently.


Reading –Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


Spellings – your spellings this week is words with the prefix un.  Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!


This Week’s Learning – wb 11.9.2023

This week we completed some baseline assessments in reading, grammar and maths in order to see what your child can do well and their areas of support.


In science we used a mirror to reflect light and explain how mirrors work and understand that light from the sun can be dangerous and identify ways to protect our eyes.


In DT we evaluated different types of shadow puppets.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour! This week we practiced how to say bonjour and Je m’appelle… (my name is..)  We learnt this song with actions: Next week we will be learning how to say how you are feeling.


Next Week’s Learning – wb 18.9.2023

In English – we will be writing our own fairytale based on Hansel and Gretel. We will then edit and improve it to ensure we have included synonyms for said, sued capital letters, full stops, inverted commas for speech and adverbs to explain our verbs.


In Maths we will be partitioning 3 digit numbers into 100’s, 10’s and 1’s, finding 10 more and ten less than any given number, adding and subtracting multiples of 10 from any given number.


In science we will be recognising and explaining how shadows are formed.


In DT we will be designing a shadow puppet using a variety of materials.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour!  This week we have been learning how to ask how someone is and a few different ways to reply.  You could practice by listening to this song:  Next week we will be looking at classroom instructions.



Class Teacher Awards –


Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Calum and Harper


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Lliana and Gessica


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 15.9.2023

Please remember to leave your children at the small key stage 2 gate in the morning so they can walk down to class independently.


Reading –Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


Spellings – your spellings this week is the long /ur/ sound spelt ear.  Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!






This Week’s Learning – wb 4.9.2023

Welcome back to Year 3, we cannot wait to get started. During the week we will complete PSHE and back to school activities to help settle your child into Year 3.


In topic this week, we will be learning all about our new topic ‘Mirror Mirror’. This will look at fairy tales and has a science theme on light.


English – we learnt the story of ‘hansel and Gretel’, we acted out the story and hot seated the characters. We rotld the story as a comic strip and identified the key features of fairy tales. We learnt how to use inverted commas to write a conversation between two characters and planned our own version of the story.


Science – we learnt that we need light in order to see and that the dark is the absence of light. We carried out an investigation to find out which surfaces reflect light.


DT – we evaluated existing shadow puppets to look at what made a good one.



In Maths, we will be learnt how to add numbers within 20 with and without bridging. We finished up the week by learning how to read, write and partition 3 digit numbers.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour! The children are so excited to begin their journey into learning a new language.  This half term our topic will be called “All About Me”.  This week, we have learnt how to say hello and my name is...  We have made a Bonjour crown as well.  Have a listen to this song with your child and listen out for the new vocabulary we have learnt today.

Next week we will finish our crowns and learn a new song with actions. 


Next Week’s Learning – wb 11.9.2023


This week we will be completing some baseline assessments in reading, grammar and maths in order to see what your child can do well and their areas of support.


In science we will be using a mirror to reflect light and explain how mirrors work and understand that light from the sun can be dangerous and identify ways to protect our eyes.


Music - your child is learning to play the ukulele through the Sutton Music Service.


French - Bonjour! This week we practiced how to say bonjour and Je m’appelle… (my name is..)  We learnt this song with actions: Next week we will be learning how to say how you are feeling.



Class Teacher Awards –


Each week we will choose 2 children who have really impressed us.  These children will be our stars of the week and will get a special certificate to go home!


This week we have chosen in Ash Class:

Liam and Arabella


This week we have chosen in Oak Class:

Bohr and Kylah


Well done to you all!



Messages for Parents – 8.9.2023


Reading –Please ensure that your child is reading everyday (this can be a school book, home book, magazine, comic or from the online Oxford Owl website) and recording their reading in their diary daily. The more exposure to the written word the better their writing becomes. They can read any book, it doesn’t always have to be a school given book. We want your child/children to develop a love of books and enjoy reading for pleasure. Try to make time to share a book together as part of your evening routine. Snuggle up in bed or on the sofa, if you have a great place to read then why not send a photo via the class email to show your child reading in their favourite place!


Please ensure you have completed at least 3 boxes in your reading diary every week, that you have read with an adult at home everyday and that it is signed by an adult at home at the end of the week, to ensure you are entered into the weekly reading raffle.


Please complete at least 20 minutes a week on Times Tables Rock Stars online. Try to ensure you are completing at least 1 Soundcheck at home each week also.  (If you do not have access to TTRS on a device at home, please let your class teacher know and they will print off a paper copy for you to complete.  You will not need to hand this in) (use the log in for your chrome books which is in your reading diary).


Spellings – your spellings this week are the suffix ful, ness and ment. Please practise these at home, you do not need to hand these in. 


Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please note your child should come to school in their kit on these days. Please ensure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Your child may wear a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or black leggings/jogging bottoms. They should wear their school jumper/cardigan – no other sports top. They can wear trainers or plimsoles.


Find out more about the Rushy Meadow PTA

Come along to meet us at 8.45am on Monday 11 September!


As we begin the new school year the PTA are beginning to plan the events for this year following on from some great successes last year - including End of Term Discos, a Summer Picnic and a mufti day.


We’d like to give you the chance to come along and find out more about the PTA, who we are and how you could get involved (if you wanted to!). By coming along we promise you are not committing yourself to anything although we - and the school community - are grateful for any support you can offer!


As such we’d like to invite you along to a meeting on Monday 11 September at 8.45am (directly after drop off) at the school. Entry to the meeting will be via the office where you will be asked to sign in.

I appreciate this time may not work for everyone - please do let us know if this is the case via our PTA email ( - and we can share more details directly.


We look forward to meeting you next week!



Chair & Treasurer - RMPA PTA


Please use the class email to speak with us about any issues and continue to complete the daily assignment on MS Teams and send any work you would like to share via email. We do endeavour to put examples on the photo gallery of the blog.


Stay safe!






Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Pupils, families, community: learning and working together

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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy