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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Pupils, families, community:
learning and working together

February News

February seems to have flown by; though a shorter month, we packed a lot in! Our Year 2’s enjoyed a trip to the London Transport Museum, Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children took part in a climbing festival, Year 3 visited the Natural History Museum, Year 6 went to the Imperial War Museum, Year 4 experienced what Easter is like at a Church and Year 1 took a trip to Deen City Farm. Meanwhile, the Early Years welcomed duck eggs last week. Since hatching, they have been making themselves at home in Reception!


I would like to thank the many parents who have volunteered for and joined us on trips. We really appreciate your support and couldn’t make the trips happen without you. Many of our trips this year have involved children travelling on public transport and I am really pleased to hear how sensibly our pupils have travelled on buses, tubes and trains. Not only are they acting as ambassadors for the school, they are also learning about travel and how to get to their destination safely.


In February, we celebrated children’s mental health week, which culminated in our dress to express day. This was a great week to talk to children about mental health and discuss things they do at school and home to promote their wellbeing.


I would like to thank you all again for your generosity, as we raised money for the relief efforts following the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. We raised £560.14.


We have lots to look forward to in March. Some of these you will have received letters about already, communication will follow for others:

  • World Book Day Sponsored Read (27th Feb – 6th March)
  • World Book Day (Thurs 2nd March)
  • Pyjamas/Book character Dress up Day (Fri 3rd March)
  • British Science Week and British Sign Language Week (both Mon 13th – Fri 17th March)
  • SEN Parent Consultations (Tues 21st March)
  • Parent Consultations (Thurs 30th March)


Finally, please continue to send children in with coats and hats/scarves/gloves to keep them warm. Fingers crossed that Spring, with its warmer weather, is just around the corner!


Caterlink Parent Survey
Our Catering company, Caterlink, have asked if parents can complete this survey: Click here for parent survey




Mr Needham

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Pupils, families, community: learning and working together

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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy