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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy
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Pupils, families, community:
learning and working together

September News

It has been a pleasure to see children settle into their new classes, and begin to build positive relationships with their teachers and supporting adults. We have had a very active start to this school year already, with Year 1 and 2 children enjoying scooter workshops and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children taking part in skipping workshops. We also have ten new balance bikes for pupils in Reception to enjoy in their outdoor area! 


We have welcomed several new staff this term, including Miss Haines (Year 4 class teacher), Miss Robertson, Mrs Searle, Miss Shanmuga and Mrs Young (teaching assistants).  I would also like to extend a very warm welcome to the 58 new pupils who have joined Rushy Meadow this year.  


School Priorities 

At Rushy Meadow, we make a promise to our families, which is captured by our school’s vision statement: 

Our vision is to create a school where our pupils flourish and are proud of their achievements.  We aim to instil in them a passion for learning that will empower them to become successful and to make positive contributions to the local community and beyond. 


Each year, myself and our school leaders reflect on how successful we have been in delivering this vision. We look at a variety of data (on children’s academic outcomes, attendance, behaviour), results from surveys (parents, staff and pupils), discussion and feedback and consider what we have monitored and observed over the course of the year. This helps us to celebrate things that are working well and what we would like to prioritise for the coming year. This is then translated into a School Development Plan to help us achieve our goals.  


This year, our priorities can be summarised by the 4R’s: 

  1. Raise aspirations for learning, participation and achievement 

  2. Retain knowledge 

  3. Read often, read well and enjoy reading 

  4. Respect for the role and contribution of all 

To support children with understanding what we are working together to achieve, we have produced a Child Friendly School Development Plan, which you will find attached.  


Book Bingo 

In September, we launched Book Bingo. Every child in each class from Year 1 to Year 6 has been given a number. On Friday, we spin our bingo wheel and choose a number. We then invite children with that number to join us on Friday afternoon with their books and share some of their favourite learning from that week. This has been a lovely way to celebrate the excellent work that children are producing. 


Knowledge Organisers 

You may have heard your child or their class teacher mention knowledge organisers. These are a tool that we use in a variety of subjects (Science, Computing, Art, D&T, Geography, History, Music, RE and general ones for Nursery and Reception) to support our pupils with knowing more and remembering more.


The knowledge organiser is a two-sided document with the key learning for certain subjects that children are studying in their half-termly themes. They can contain key facts, vocabulary and pictures. We use the knowledge organisers on a weekly basis to give children the opportunity to continually revisit learning. Repetition supports children with remembering key information. 


Remember – you can access all of the knowledge organisers for each half-term on your child’s year group page.  


These, along with the theme planners (which you can find on the curriculum tab in your year group page), will provide you with more information about what your child is learning each half-term. 


Think you’re smarter than your child? Try our quizzes below. Remember, all of the answers can be found on Autumn 1’s knowledge organisers! Ask your child for help if you get stuck! 


Are you smarter than... Nursery and Reception? 

Are you smarter than... Year 1? 

Are you smarter than... Year 2? 

Are you smarter than... Year 3? 

Are you smarter than... Year 4? 

Are you smarter than... Year 5? 

Are you smarter than... Year 6? 


If you’ve tried your child’s year group, why not test your knowledge on another one 🙂 


Home School Agreement and Arbor 

This year, we have created a shared home school agreement with the four other schools in the Cirrus Trust. Why do we have a home school agreement? The agreement creates an informal contract between our three main stakeholders: pupils, parents and staff. It recognises the parts everyone plays in making our school the best it can be. I have attached a copy of the updated home school agreement with this letter.  


When pupils first start at Rushy, they are asked to consent to the home school agreement via their Admission form.  Any existing parents will be prompted to agree to the new agreement when they sign into their accounts on Arbor. Please do get in touch if there is anything you would like to ask about the home school agreement. 



During Monday assemblies, I have started sharing a Thunk of the Week. A ‘thunk’ is an unusual question that makes you think. It has no right or wrong answer. Below I have shared our thunks from September; you may like to discuss these at home too! 


If you read a few pages of a book in a bookshop and then put it back on the shelf without buying it, is it stealing?  

Can you show respect to someone you've never met? 

If we moved our school building and all of the furniture to Australia, but left the children and staff here in Carshalton, where would the school be?  

What is the most important part of a fork? 


Children have their individual and sibling photos on Thursday this week (5th October). Our SEN Parents and Parent consultations also take place later this month. Please look out for communication and sign-up information for these. 


Finally, please remember that should you have any concerns or questions, you can either catch me on the gate or send an email to our school office asking to meet with me. 



Mr Needham

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Pupils, families, community: learning and working together

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Rushy Meadow Primary Academy